ENQUIRY Q1: 4A.1 Economies can be classified in different ways and vary from place to place.
a. Economic activity can be classified by sector and type of employment Employment Classification https://www.youtuom/watch?v=GnX0AXuxRd0 Types of Employment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9llFfldt9k Task 1: Gig Economy You must make notes on this clip in your exercise book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNLXqvPk2tU Task 2 – Exam skills: In your exercise book - Suggest reasons why the gig employment may be viewed in a negative manner – 6 marks (8 mins) Hint: Three points expanded well will account for 6 marks. Task 3: Read through your response and number your 3 points.
Task 4 Complete the Lean Learning page for 4A.1 (the next slide will help you). Exam skills - Copy out and answer the 4 mark question in your exercise books (1 mark per point made – do not write a list, this does not demonstrate understanding).
Total: 34,400 people in a professional occupation. Liverpool District Total: 34,400 people in a professional occupation. (17.50% of the total population). Stockport District Total: 27,091 people in a professional occupation. (19.80% of the total population). Total:26,477 people in an elementary occupation. (13.50% of the total population). Total:11,375 people in an elementary occupation. (8.30% of the total population). Professional Occupations South East England has the highest percentage of people working in professional occupations. The top three districts are The City of London, followed by Cambridge and Oxford respectively. The districts with the lowest percentage of people working in professional occupations include Fenland, Corby and the Isles of Scilly. Elementary Occupations The Fens in Eastern England have the highest percentage of workers in Elementary Occupations. These occupations include domestic cleaning, agricultural and manufacturing labourers and refuse workers. In Corby, over 21% of the population works in an elementary occupation. 2011 Census Data
b. There are differences in economic activity and this is reflected through variation in social factors Economic activity is measured in employment data (unemployment data, % type of employment in and area and so forth) and output data (GVA). GVA – Gross Value Added – a measure of economic output, it is the value of good and services per person. Social factors such as health, life expectancy and levels of education reflect differences in economic activity.
2011 Census Liverpool District Total:9,722 people in very bad health. (2.10% of the total population). Stockport District Total:3,418 people in very bad health. (1.20% of the total population) Liverpool District Total: 217,977 people in very good health. (46.70% of the total population). Stockport District Total: 135,500 people in very good health. (47.80% of the total population). Liverpool District Total: 87,126 people with Level 4 and above formal qualifications. (22.40% of the total population). Stockport District Total: 68,506 people with Level 4 and above formal qualifications. (29.80% of the total population). 2011 Census
HOMEWORK http://bureau.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=04d147352f634d64baa4ced4c2628 07a Use the above link to find the data for Stockport and Liverpool from the 2011 Census data. Websites for Stockport Council and Liverpool City Council, uSwitch, Office for National Statistics, Google for information. Complete the sheet for 4A.1b You NEED to learn this information. In your exercise books answer the 6 mark question from the same page – remember the earlier hint!! Use Stockport and Liverpool to back up the points you make. Take a picture of this page and put a reminder in your phone. RESEARCHING DATA IS A SKILL THE EXAM BOARD EXPECT YOU TO HAVE
Use the text book to complete 4A.1c – Lean Learning sheet C. Inequalities in pay levels across economic sectors and different types of employment are reflected in quality of life indices. uSwitch Index 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb9QnDS7b88 Task 5: Use the text book to complete 4A.1c – Lean Learning sheet Use your phones to look up crime data and average salaries for Stockport and Liverpool and use this information in the relevant response.
What have you learnt today? Note 5 key bullet points from today’s lesson One of the bullet points must be about exam skills. Be prepared to share your list with the rest of the class.