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Presentation transcript:

BellRinger May 1, 1930 “While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence and character of the people of the United States – that is, prosperity.” – President Hoover

Historical Events in1930’s

The Stock Market Crash of 1929 In October 1929 stock values dropped “Black Thursday” By the next Tuesday 16 million dollars worth of Stock had been exchanged and had reached a crisis level.

Causes of The Great Depression Industries declined and Americans could no longer afford consumer goods. Growing gap between Rich and Poor Credit Crisis Farmer defaulted on loans Unable to loan money to European nations.

The Great Depression By 1932, 25% of Americans were out of work. Wages and hours cut. Average American income is reduced by 40%. Soups Kitchens

President Hoover “depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement.” Called for voluntary action Hoovervilles Created public works

President Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected in 1932 in Landslide Promised Action 100 Days – 15 Proposals Passed New Deal – laws that set new regulations Relief, Recovery, Reform Fire Side Chats

The Dust Bowl New technologies had made farming easier but damaged the land In 1934 one storm carried 300 million tons of soil. Farmers forced to sell land and become migrant workers.

Left: Garden City, Kansas at 5:15 PM, with a dust storm approaching Right: Garden City, Kansas, at 5:30 PM when the storm arrived

The Second New Deal FDR continues to pass new legislation Supreme Court ruled that many of these New Deal acts were unconstitutional Roosevelt ties to “pack” the Supreme Court Roosevelt Recession Attention turns towards World War II

What historical events do you think will have the most impact on the pop culture of the 1930’s and why?