RFA Jeopardy!
GO TO FINAL OUTCOMES JEOPARDY! RFA Jeopardy! Tick-Tock Before and After It’s the Law Practice Paradise 10 20 30 40 GO TO FINAL OUTCOMES JEOPARDY!
Tick-Tock for 10 January 1, 2017 Solicit this response: What is the date of Statewide RFA implementation?
Tick-Tock for 20 December 31, 2019 Solicit the response: What is the date for all families to be converted to RFA?
Tick-Tock for 30 90 days Solicit the response: What is the State expectation for the length of time to complete the approval process for families that took placements prior to approval.
Tick-Tock for 40 No longer that one year Solicit possible responses: verification of good physical health, screen or test for tuberculosis, required annual updates
Before and After for 10 Chaptered on October 11, 2015; Chapter 773, Statutes of 2015 and expanded on requirements of RFA. Solicit the response: What is AB403?
Before and After for 20 Statute requiring the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), in consultation with county child welfare agencies, including Juvenile Probation, foster parent associations, and other interested community parties to implement RFA. Solicit the response: What is Senate Bill 1013?
Before and After for 30 Mandates to follow for Resource Families approved by Counties and have the same force and effect as regulations. Solicit the response: What are Written Directives?
Before and After for 40 Ensure staff have appropriate education and experience Approve and Deny Resource Family applications Rescind Resource Family approvals Monitor Resource Families on a continual basis Solicit the response: What are County Responsibilities?
Application, Home Environment Assessment, Permanency Assessment It’s the Law for 10 Application, Home Environment Assessment, Permanency Assessment Solicit the response: What is the RFA approval process?
Pre-approval training, Psychosocial assessment, “Other” activities It’s the Law for 20 Pre-approval training, Psychosocial assessment, “Other” activities Solicit the response: What is the Permanency assessment?
It’s the Law for 30 AAP, ARC, QPI, and RPPS Solicit the response: What are additional topics that are required to be reviewed with prospective resource families?
It’s the Law for 40 A person under 18 placed with or who is being considered for placement with a Resource Family by a placement agency with or without a court order. Solicit the response: What is the definition of a “child”?
Practice Paradise for 10 Intended to provide all children/youth in care with a “normal” life experience, empower the resource family to encourage youth to engage in extracurricular activities that promote child well-being, and allow for parenting decisions to be made by the resource family Solicit the response: What is Reasonable Prudent Parent Standard?
Practice Paradise for 20 Exposure to multiple or prolonged traumatic events Impact of this exposure on development Begins in early childhood and occurs within the primary caregiving system. Solicit the response: What is complex trauma?
Practice Paradise for 30 Can be used to facilitate conversations and guide decisions to better support children and families. Solicit the response: What is Teaming?
Practice Paradise for 40 Increase self-awareness of personal biases and perceptions and engage in a life-long self-reflective process about how to put these biases aside and learn from others Solicit the response: What is cultural humility/responsiveness?
What it’s All About!! Final RFA Jeopardy!
What It’s All About! Final RFA Jeopardy! By providing this, resource families will be better able to meet the needs of the youth in care and get to permanence quicker through more purposeful placements. Solicit the response: What is support for resource famlies?