Starting Points Planning for progress. A resource designed to raise awareness of the importance of initial assessment and measuring impact. The aim of this short presentation is to prompt a discussion around the suitability of initial assessment and the impact.
How to use this resource Rationale/Outline This resource is designed to help leaders and managers support staff to recognise the importance of initial assessment, and to consider other types of assessment throughout the study programme. Suggestions on how to use this resource This is a short PowerPoint presentation which senior leaders and/or managers can use to help within team meetings or CPD as a training resource. It’s a basis for a discussion, providing questions and suggestions. Intended impact To enable staff to see the importance of initial assessment for target setting with learners, measuring impact and ensuring the results from initial assessment are fully utilised. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Starting points Consider: What types of measures are currently in place to accurately assess learners’ starting points? How are the outcomes used to individualise the learners’ programme? To what extent does the accurate measurement of starting points and the individualised approach impact on progress? Group discussion Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Achievement of learning goal Initial assessment Main learning goal Maths English Work experience Achievement of learning goal What are the different measures in place for each component of the study programme? How effective are these measures? How are the outcomes of initial assessment used? This chart can be individualised – Three main points for discussion What are the different types of initial assessment? The next two questions slide in as an animation. How effective are they? How are they used? It’s important that there is some detailed discussion about the different types of initial assessment and how the results and outcomes are used? It is vital that the discussion reinforces the importance of USING the outcomes from initial assessment. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
WHAT MEASURES CAN accurately assess learners’ starting points? Initial assessment provides the means for you and your learners to arrive at a realistic starting point and may include: Discussion with the learner. Assessment of literacy, language and numeracy. A skills audit and self assessment. Information about a learner’s prior experience. Learner’s life plans and career aspirations. Additional needs or support required. Discuss different measures to assess learners’ starting points. What do you currently use? Could there be a mix of measures used to develop a full picture of the learners’ starting points? Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
outcomes of initial assessment can be used to: Create a record and individualised learning plan (ILP). Agree personalised learning goals with learners. Develop strategies for improvement. Review progress and learning targets. Progress goals are monitored and updated to maximise achievement. Inform lesson planning for differentiated strategies to incorporate individuals’ needs. Suggestions on how to use the outcomes of initial assessment slide can promote discussion to enable staff to see the importance of initial assessment for target setting with learners, measuring impact and ensuring the results from initial assessment are fully utilised. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Assessment What are the various types of assessment available? Diagnostic assessment. Formative assessment. Summative assessment. Referenced assessment. Criteria referenced assessment. Interim/benchmarked assessment. Self assessment. Discussion around types of assessment methods currently used by the college/provider. Animation slides in to reveal seven different types of assessment. Diagnostic assessment Formative assessment Summative assessment Referenced assessment Criteria referenced assessment Interim/benchmarked assessment Self assessment This is not about right or wrong but designed to explore different methods of assessment. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Assessment Diagnostic assessment Assessing a learner’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge and skills prior to starting the programme. Creating a baseline to work from. Formative assessment Assessing a learner’s development and attainment during the programme. Checking progress. The descriptor slides in to reveal an explanation. Consider or discuss if a group activity: An understanding of the assessment methods. The strengths and weaknesses of each method for the learner and the provider. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Assessment Summative assessment Measuring a learner’s development of knowledge and/or skills at the end of the programme. Referenced assessment Measuring a learner’s progress against their peer group or comparative group. The descriptor slides in to reveal an explanation. Consider or discuss if a group activity: An understanding of the assessment methods. The strengths and weaknesses of each method for the learner and the provider. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Assessment Criteria referenced assessment Measures a learner’s progress against a specific goal, objective or target. Interim/benchmarked assessment Measures a learner’s progress against timescales or a specific milestones along a journey. The descriptor slides in to reveal an explanation. Consider or discuss if a group activity: An understanding of the assessment methods. The strengths and weaknesses of each method for the learner and the provider. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Assessment Self assessment A learner takes ownership of their own assessment and self evaluates. Consider these seven different types of assessment. What are the benefits and drawbacks from each method? Is there a method of assessment that could be introduced? The descriptor slides in to reveal an explanation. Consider or discuss if a group activity: An understanding of the assessment methods. The strengths and weaknesses of each method for the learner and the provider. Can a mixed model approach produce a more robust assessment process? Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Blended approach to Assessment Does one size fit all? Is there merit in programmes providing a range of assessment methods? As a group consider an approach to assessment of learners to support them moving forward. Agree actions. Consider different scenarios – try to stimulate debate on different methods of assessment and how a blended approach could be introduced. Emphasise the importance of initial assessment to identify accurate starting points. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
Impact on learners “At the start of my course I had to complete lots of tests including an online maths test. My tutor talked through the results of the maths tests and suggested I would benefit from extra support. I didn’t like the idea at first, but now I'm really happy. I am on track to achieve and I was able to go on work placement and show my employer the improvements I had made since starting the course.” Andy, Independent Training Provider. Consider asking staff to produce quotes like this and to encourage learners quotes. Education and Training Foundation: Starting point – planning for progress Find more resources at
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