Project Pitch for Year Long Plan By Dante Yacobucci
Context School: Rocky Mountain High School District: Poudre School District Grade: 9 Class: English Language Arts
Motivation Passions: Creative Writing and the outdoors. Application: Creative writing has been a great way for me to express myself and to reflect on how my ideas and views have changed. I want my students to be able to make these same kinds of discoveries through their own writing in my classroom. My love for the outdoors will translate not only into some of my text and lesson choices, but also in the serenity I hope to bring to the classroom. I want my students to feel creative and calm whenever possible.
Timeline 02/06: Decide on units of study 02/20: Draft of 1st set of lessons 03/06: Draft of 2nd set of lessons 03/27: Draft of 3rd set of lessons 04/10: Draft of 4th set of lessons 04/24: Revise all four portions 05/11: Turn in Final Draft
Resources Various poems and novels Education text books Books and guides on writing Edutopia and other websites The English Journal NCTE
Goals To create units that expose students to writing experiences that open them up to empathy and new ways of thinking. To create lessons with a genuine exploration of English language arts that prepares students for upcoming classes and life experiences. To become organized and comfortable in lesson/unit planning.