Ethnic Conflict Introduction to Key Terms and Ideas Assist.Prof.Dr. Jared O. Bell IR462 Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict
Why is Ethnicity and Nationality Important in IR? Why do you think ethnicity and nationality are important in international relations? Why is Ethnicity and Nationality Important in IR?
Ethnicity and Nationality are important because…. Nations often identify with territory. Claim to Self-Determination. Groups spread across borders. May lead to terrorism or civil war that crosses borders. Affects the foreign policy of states. States may aid or instigate problems with groups in foreign states Ethnicity and Nationality are important because….
An ethnic group, or an ethnicity, is a category of people who identify with each other based on key characteristics and similarities. What is an example of an Ethnicity? What is an Ethnic Group?
How is Ethnicity Determined? Ethnicity is often an inherited status based on the society in which one lives. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art, and physical appearance. How is Ethnicity Determined?
How is ethnicity related to conflict and violence? In-group/out-group phenomenon: Other groups seem to be different and foreign, and thus potentially threatening. In the worst case situations, people become dehumanized, which makes it possible to kill them like lesser beings. Nazis with the Jews and Slavs Yugoslavia Tutsis and Hutus in Rwanda How is ethnicity related to conflict and violence?
In Particular ethnic is.. a conflict between two or more contending ethnic groups. While the source of the conflict may be political, social, economic or religious, the individuals in conflict must expressly fight for their ethnic group's position within society. This final criterion differentiates ethnic conflict from other forms of struggle. What’s an example of an ethnic conflict? What are some ethnic conflicts that maybe taking place in your home country? In Particular ethnic is..
Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict Ethnic conflicts can be between people are different races and between people of the same race. Ethnic conflict isn’t just between majorities and minorities. Ethnic conflict can exist between two minority groups also. Ethnic conflicts can also be closely tied to religion and the lines can be blurred. Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict
Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict (Cont.) Ethnic conflict can take place in the form of: Inter-group ostracization Separation/Segregation Discrimination (Social and Structural) Ethnic Cleansing Ethnic violence Genocide Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict (Cont.)
Ethnic Conflict and the End of the Cold War Increased attentions since end of Cold War Many conflicts developed independently of the East West rivalry but were held in check by superpowers Extremely difficult to contain to one country Ethnic diversity does not automatically result in violence or conflict. Ethnic Conflict and the End of the Cold War
The process by which a state breaks down due to ethnic conflict Led to WWI After communism, Balkans are “balkanizing” again Balkanization =
Possible Causes of Ethnic Conflict Ancient Hatreds? Politics? Stereotypes: US vs THEM? Competition for resources? Weak political institutions? Tyranny? Repression? Which one of these causes ethnic conflicts? Possible Causes of Ethnic Conflict
Underlying and Proximate Causes Four types of factor: structural; political; economic and social; cultural and perceptual. Can contribute to mobilisation of ethnic groups and impact on development of the conflict. Underlying and Proximate Causes
International Community and Response to Ethnic Conflict The international community has needed to craft new ways to deal with intra state conflicts that stemmed from ethnic conflict. International Community and Response to Ethnic Conflict
Ethnic Conflict in Democracies In healthy multi-ethnic democracies, these conflicts are usually institutionalized and "channeled through parliaments, assemblies and bureaucracies or through non-violent demonstrations and strikes. While democratic countries cannot always prevent ethnic conflict flaring up into violence, institutionalized ethnic conflict does ensure that ethnic groups can articulate their demands in a peaceful manner, which reduces the likelihood of violence. Ethnic Conflict in Democracies
Ethnic Conflict in Authoritarian States In authoritarian systems, ethnic minorities are often unable to express their grievances. Grievances are instead allowed to fester which might lead to long phases of ethnic silence followed by a violent outburst. Therefore, ethnic peace is an absence of violence, not an absence of conflict. Another consequence is that violent ethnic rebellions often result in political rights for previously marginalized groups. Ethnic Conflict in Authoritarian States
Wolf, Chapter 1 Readings