Warm Up Why did trench warfare develop during WWI?


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up Why did trench warfare develop during WWI?

Objective Students will explain the reasons for US rejection of the Treaty of Versailles.

The End of the War and Treaty WWI Pt. 3 The End of the War and Treaty

End of the War War ends with armistice- agreement to stop fighting Now leaders from each country meet to agree to a treaty They meet in Versailles (pronounces ver-sigh) in France What do you think the winning side (Allies) wants from the losing side (Central Powers)?

Wilson’s Plan and the Treaty US Pres Wilson comes up with his own plan to make sure another world war doesn’t happen called Wilson’s 14 Points Address most of the causes of WWI (MAIN, SLUTZ) Wants most of his ideas to be used in the Treaty Other countries don’t like it and don’t listen to most of his ideas

Wilson’s 14 Points Both Treaty of Versailles- 1919 League of Nations Wilson’s plan to prevent future wars Some ideas were included in Treaty of Versailles (that ended the war), many were ignored 14 Points’ Ideas Major idea: League of Nations: peace keeping organization Said do NOT punish Germany Open covenants of peace w/ no hidden agendas No hidden alliances, no secret alliances Freedom of navigation of seas- no unrestricted submarine warfare Equal trade- prevent competition from imperialism Reduction of national armaments- no militarism Adjusting colonial borders in interest of natives- give them input Political independence for nations Self-determination- allowing people to decide their own future League of Nations Self-determination for Poland Formal agreement to end WWI Not ratified (not approved) by the US Terms of the Treaty Redrew European boundaries- new countries Austria-Hungary split into Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia Blamed Germany, required it to pay reparations ($$ for damages) to Allies, took away colonies; limit military Wanted to weaken Germany so they couldn’t try and take over again (spoiler: doesn’t work) Harsh treatment of Germany eventually led to Nazism Re-drew boundaries for colonies and started new nations (withOUT input from natives; created more conflict) Created League of Nations (a general association of nations)

Why did the Allied Powers reject Wilson’s ideas regarding Germany?

Practice During World War I, what was President Woodrow Wilson’s purpose in outlining the Fourteen Points? A) asking Congress for additional funding for the war effort B) suggesting a peace plan to prevent future wars C) proposing war crimes trials for leaders of enemy nations D) calling for military alliances against aggressor

Practice During World War I, what was President Woodrow Wilson’s purpose in outlining the Fourteen Points? A) asking Congress for additional funding for the war effort B) suggesting a peace plan to prevent future wars C) proposing war crimes trials for leaders of enemy nations D) calling for military alliances against aggressor

Treaty Opposition Treaties have to be approved by the Senate (so the Pres can’t get too crazy) Many senators (and Americans) didn’t like the Treaty of Versailles Henry Cabot Lodge (congressman- remember him?) led the opposition to (was the main one against) the Treaty Led other Senators against Treaty Said isolationism was American policy, not involvement with other countries Thought the treaty would make us too involved in problems with other countries It might pull us into another big war

Treaty Opposition Treaty NOT ratified by US; Henry Cabot Lodge opposes the Treaty Isolationism was American policy, not involvement in other countries Treaty not ratified by the US; so no League of Nations League of Nation fails Treaty NOT ratified by US; So no League of Nations (even though it was our idea. . .) League of Nations fails because no muscle to back it up

Practice Which factor was the basis of the United States Senate’s opposition to the League of Nations after World War I? A) rejection by President Woodrow Wilson of internationalism B) fear of becoming involved in another European war C) high financial cost of membership D) concern over communist control of international organizations

Practice Which factor was the basis of the United States Senate’s opposition to the League of Nations after World War I? A) rejection by President Woodrow Wilson of internationalism B) fear of becoming involved in another European war C) high financial cost of membership D) concern over communist control of international organizations

Effects of the War 30 million casualties (10 million deaths/20 mil wounded) 320,000 American casualties/ 116k deaths

Effects of the War “War to end all wars”- led to anti-war efforts Kellog-Braind Pact of 1928- “outlawed” wars of aggression- how do you think that works out? Never wanted another war like that again

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Big Idea Why did the US fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?