Conservation is Catching on! Richard Knight in collaboration with Cape Nature Conservation Board and South African National Parks U W C
What is conservation?. A traditional view was an area put aside for the preservation of organisms and their environment! U W C
This has lead to conflicts between local communities and park boundaries Photo South African National Parks U W C
“National Parks have not drawn us into a more thoughtful relationship with our habitat. They have not taught us that land is to be used frugally and with good sense. They have encouraged us to believe that conservation is merely a system of trading environmental write-offs against large protected areas. They have more than failed, in fact they have become a symptom of the problem” (Van Tighem 1986) U W C
Fencing and Park Boundaries have become major social and political issues. U W C
The solution is to involve local communities and manage protected areas as another type of landuse. U W C
Critical to Park Management is to establish objectives U W C
A classification of protected areas exists from the IUCN Ia: The Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness areas Preserve habitats, ecosystems and species in as undisturbed state as possible Objective: Dassen Island and the Prince Edward Islands U W C
A classification of protected areas exists from the IUCN II: National Park Objective: Protect for scientific, educational, recreational or tourist purposes West Coast National Park U W C
A classification of protected areas exists from the IUCN III: Natural Monument: Protected Area Objective: Based on a specific natural/cultural or unique representational significance Kirstenbosch and Tienie Versveld U W C
A classification of protected areas exists from the IUCN IV: Habitat/Species Management Area Maintain a habitat for protection of significant species/ group of species or special physical features Objective: Maanschynkop U W C
A classification of protected areas exists from the IUCN V: Protected Landscape/Seascape No South African examples - look at Fishing Communities Objective: Protect harmonious interaction of nature and culture U W C
A classification of protected areas exists from the IUCN IX: Biosphere Reserve Core Buffer Transitional Objective: Integrate protected areas within a landscape of other economic activities Kogelberg & Proposed West Coast U W C
A classification of protected areas exists from the IUCN X: World Heritage Site Robben Island & proposed for Table Mountain Objective: Protect for scientific, educational, recreational or tourist purposes U W C
Other protected areas Objective: Peace Parks- a Transfrontier conservation area South African National Parks Objective: Promote regional co-operation, job creation and biodiversity conservation Recently Proclaimed Kalahari Park U W C
Contractual Parks Objective: A protected area that is co-operatively managed by Local Communities and a State Organization South African National Parks - Nigel Dennis Objective: Protect natural resources and preserve cultural lifestyles of indigenous people Richtersveld National Park U W C
How well are we Conserving? World Heritage Sites How well are we Conserving? U W C
World Heritage Sites South Africa South Africa's World Heritage Sites: World Heritage Sites recognise and protect areas of outstanding natural, historical and cultural value. Given South Africa's diverse culture and history and her spectacular natural resources and wildlife, it is not surprising that she boasts 7 World Heritage Sites. Cultural » Fossil Hominid Sites of Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Kromdraai, and Environs (1999) » Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape (2003) » Robben Island (1999) Mixed » UKhahlamba / Drakensberg Park (2000) Natural » Cape Floral Region Protected Areas (2004) » Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park (1999) » Vredefort Dome (2005)
Proposed Peace Parks U W C Richtersveld/ Ai-Ais Gariep Kgalagadi (Kalahari) Limpopo/Shashe Kruger/ Banhine-Zinave Gonarezhou Maputaland Maloti/ Drakensberg U W C
South African National Parks U W C
Conserved Areas in the Western Cape U W C
Conserved Areas in Hermanus Maan schyn kop Vogelgat Fernkloof Cliff paths Walker Bay U W C
Just a final tour of Fernkloof U W C