Battle of Appomattox Court House Visit the Curator Leaders Locations Basic Information Weapons Museum Entrance Welcome to the Lobby
Avery Pfister Thank you for visiting the museum of Appomattox Courthouse Back to Lobby Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Lindsey Warneka under the direction of Dr. Christy Keeler during a Teaching American History grant module. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.
Leaders Back to Lobby
Locations Back to Lobby 4
Basic Information Back to Lobby 5
Weapons Back to Lobby 6
Colt 1851 Navy This was one of the most commonly used revolvers of the of the American civil war used by both sides. It was also serviced by Britian,Canada,Brazil,Russia,Austria-Hungry,Ottoman Empire,Poland. Back to Room 1
Robert Edward Lee Robert E. Lee was the main general of the Confederate Army. Lees primary army was the Army of Northern Virginia whose conditional surrender at Appomattox Courthouse marked the beginning of the end of the civil war. Back to Room 1
Ulysses S Grant Grant had gotten lee to surrender at Appomattox even though Grant had lost half of his army to get to that point. The surrender terms that Grant wrote out where to help prevent treason trials and also let all soldiers go home and officers where allowed to keep 1 horse if it was to be used for plowing fields Back to Room 1
Philip Henry Sheridan Philp was a fearsome and aggressive Union cavalry commander who in 1864 was named by Grant the main cavalry commander of the Union. Calvary units under Philips command rushed ahead of Lees troops and cut off his supply lines Back to Room 1
Appomattox The battle of Appomattox courthouse took place here in the town of Appomattox,Virgina. The town is 3 miles away from where the actual surrender took place. Back to Room 2
Appomattox Station Appomattox station is where was moving his army to as there it contained a supply train that would provide them much needed supplies. Lees army would never make to the station as Philp Sheridan's troops had cut off lee’s troops while Gen.Custer had killed the troops at the station during the battle of Appomattox sation. Back to Room 2
Lynchburg Lynchburg was the site of the Mclean home where the actual surrender happened. Some people say that the war started on William McLean's lawn and ended in his parlor which is partially true as the first shots of the 1st battle of Bull run where fired on his front. Back to Room 2
Lee’s surrender Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant on April 9,1865.Under the surrender terms all officers could keep one horse to assist them in spring plowing as they where no longer confederates. This surrender is the biggest surrender of the Civil War as one of the greatest confederate armies no longer exsited.As I stated earlier this is the begging of the end of the civil war. Back to Room 3
Causalities The battle of Appomattox courthouse only resulted in 652 casualities.152 of those causalities are from the union and are as follows 14 killed 74 wounded and 64 M.I.A or POW. All 500 confederate causalities are kills. Back to Room 3
Appomattox campaign Lee’s Appomattox campaign was his campaign of retreat to a supply train at Appomattox station that would give his men the supplies need to met up with another army in North Carolina but this campaign failed as he was surrounded and his supply train had been captured by Gen.Custer as we know lee surrendered The army of Northern Virginia to Grants army. Back to Room 3
Musket The musket is a weapon with two variations, a less accurate but faster reloading smoothbore musket which was only used until 1863 by the Union and the far more accurate but longer reload time rifled musket. The musket fired a Minnie ball a bullet shaped projectile that expand to the size of a lead ball after being fired. Back to Room 4
Calvary saber The Calvary saber is a type of sword that has a variable curve depending on what model it is used by both Calvary and usually officers as well due to the standard officers sword being bought by the officer. The saber was designed to be able to hack through enemy infantry. Back to Room 4
Colt 1860 Army The Colt 1860 Army was the revolver favored by Union Calvary, officers and artillery men. The 1860 Army was a single action 6 shot revolver used for ranges between 75-100 yards. The 1860 Army had a rather very interesting feature in latter models that being an attachable stock on a revolver. Back to Leaders