Te Whakaruruhau o Nga Reo Irirangi Iwi Radio Moves Forward 2010 - 2015 Current situation realigned as proposed at AGM in October 2008
Background 2010 ESTABLISHMENT Maori Radio 1987 WHA 2000 Strategic Plan 2005-2010 AGM 2008 commission restructuring WHA Agreed in 2008 to a relocation timeline 2010/2011 Restructure to be completed 2010 The process - Where we came from – Where we are heading
“To be a credible and unifying force for positive change in the broadcasting world for the promotion of all things Maori” New Plan due 2010- 2015 Strategic Plan 2005-2010 21 Iwi radio created synergetic opportunity for WHA collective
Communication Strategy Tailored messages –external network High visibility WHA profile Review branding & logo Centralised process – internal network Develop centralized WHA website “To be a credible and unifying force for positive change in the broadcasting world for the promotion of all things Maori”- Vision Statement Communications strategy must underpin this statement
Centralised Units WHA Fully operated administration STARNET Portal Leasing Lead production house options PR Consultancy KAHUI PAKEKE Political integrity Te Reo Guardians MAORI MEDIA NETWORK Retain Status Quo Main components of the current WHA infrastructure – MMN one close WHA alliance
Revenue Negotiations Training Potential Punga Net Portals Crown Creative Developments Crown Research Proposals Trade grants for $ fixed Public Relations %? Multimedia Support infrastructure Preferred clientele Sustainability central to future of the network’s central administration - WHA –Grants v government marketing budget %?
WHA Governance Membership Element for strategic planning discussion Mix of business, marketing, WHA Vary leadership mix around table Retain status quo composition Realignment a total review of WHA
Timelines Final restructure report tabled Nov 2010 Staffed by January 2011 Confirm management appointment process December 2010 Relocation form north & south to approved Wellington premises Promotion strategy launch nationwideDec 2010/Jan 2011 WHA membership approve final phase report – Powerpoint is a summary of full Report to Executive