A Better Life in Housing with Care NW Regional Housing LIN meeting Imogen Blood Imogen Blood & Associates 14th May 2014 Crewe ImogenBlood & Associates
A Better Life programme Older people with high support needs Quality of life Voices of older people Link to the strategy’s emphasis on listening to older people as part of its vision for ‘clear strategic leadership’
Overview of the research Affordability of retirement housing (UK) 2 quantitative studies with New Policy Institute 3 UK-wide, cross-sector qualitative HWC studies Older people’s housing: choice, quality of life & under-occupation (England) Whose responsibility? Strategy also talks about the need for strategic planning and understanding supply and demand is crucial to this. The JRF research was underpinned by two quantitative studies (which Peter will tell us more about shortly) which brought together and analysed what we know about current housing options and what older people choose and can afford. JRF also commissioned 3 UK-wide qualitative studies which focused on older people’s decision-making, views and experiences – of partnership working, of affordability, and of community (and what can be done practically to promote more supportive and inclusive retirement communities). These were all conducted within specialist housing with care schemes but we believe that many of the messages apply more widely. I’m going to spend the next 10 minutes drawing out some of these broad key messages. I’ve picked those that seem to resonate most within the Scottish context (though given that we conducted around 20 interviews (half older people; half professionals) and a professional stakeholder meeting in Scotland) I bring these in the spirit of discussion rather than with the status of hard and fast evidence. Where possible, I have linked these to the headings of the Age, Home and Community strategy. Affordability Supportive communities
Relationships are vital
It’s the little things…….
Who holds it together?
What’s your good practice? Workforce & Management Partnerships Commissioning Welfare benefits advice Resident involvement
Lives not services
For more information… http://www.jrf.org.uk/work/workarea/housing-with-care-older-people to download housing with care reports, summaries, the practice examples And http://www.jrf.org.uk/publications/better-life-valuing-our-later-years for my new book on responding positively to an ageing society http://www.imogenblood.co.uk/ for more info about our consultancy and other research Twitter @ImogenBlood