Dilín ó Deamhas Dilín ó deamhas ó deamhas Dilín ó deamhas ó dí Dilín ó deamhas ó deamhas ó deamhas ó Dilín ó deamhas ó dí
Chuiread mo rún chun suain, Chuiread mo rún 'na luí, Chuiread mo rún chun suain go ciúin, Le dilín ó deamhas ó dí.
An Chuaichín A chuaichín! A chuaichín! Ní fheicimse thú; Tá tú ait éigin Mar cloisim Cú Cú.
A chuaichín! A chuaichín! Slán leat go fóill; Can arís amárach Mar is breá liom do cheol.
When the Saints go Marching In Oh when the saints go marching in, Oh when the saints go marching in; Oh Lord, I want to be I that number When the saints go marching in!
Oh when the stars begin to shine, Oh when the stars begin to shine; Oh Lord, I want to be I that number When the stars begin to shine!
Oh when the drums begin to roll, Oh when the drums begin to roll; Oh Lord, I want to be I that number When the drums begin to roll.
Picture People I Like to peek Inside a book Where all the picture people look
I Like to peek At them and see If they are peeking back at me