Union Grove High School ANNOUNCEMENTS 5-12-2016
Thu 5-12 Coordinate Algebra
May 12 Honors Night May 22 Baccalaureate 4pm May 24 Grandparent’s Breakfast 9am May 24 Group picture 8:30 am May 25-26 Mandatory Graduation Practice May 27 Graduation Ceremony 7:30pm
BASKETBALL CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS June 1st & June 2nd Applications on the school website email Coach Sarah Merlino at sarah.merlino@henry.k12.ga.us Applications due THIS FRIDAY to room 804
Senior Lunch $5 Delivered on May 13th Buy them during your lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday this week or see Mr. Potter in Room 116
2016 Personalized Graduation Signs Make checks payable to Union Grove High School & return with order form from school website to front office or room 404 Sale ends Friday, May 13, 2016
Auditions for FALL SHOW Come prepared to read from the script Tuesday, May 17 3:30 – 5:30 in the drama room Come prepared to read from the script
Exam Day Check-out Form Run TUESDAY 13th due May 18th
$15 Sports Physicals May 18th beginning @ 4pm In the GYM Attention all ATHLETES: $15 Sports Physicals May 18th beginning @ 4pm In the GYM *Sign up for an appointment @ lunch
$95 Are now during IF or lunch in room 408 *cash or check only YEARBOOKS! Are now $95 during IF or lunch in room 408 *cash or check only
Available in the Front Office END OF YEAR PARKING PERMIT . $15 May 9 - May 27 $10 May 16 - May 27 $ 5 May 23 - May 27 Available in the Front Office *Students MUST have a permit in order to drive
Cross-Country? immediately after school in room 116 on Tuesday 5/24 Interested in trying out for Cross-Country? Pre-Season Informational Meeting immediately after school in room 116 on Tuesday 5/24 *see Coach Daugherty for more information
Track & Field Awards Banquet 6:00-7:30 Tuesday 5/24 In the UGHS Commons Athletes should return their uniform at this time
2016/2017 Student Council Seniors Juniors Soph. Marissa McDonald Pres. Marissa McDonald Brittni Dixon Will Wofford Ryan Garland VP Andre Blair Brandi Dixon Alexis O'Neal Selena Corbin Secretary Griffin Abercrombie Gabby Dunlap Maya Lofton Kiera Ferrel Treasurer Justin Gittemeier Sara Inman Charles Wimer Keri Fabra Historian Alex Neal
2016 Course Registration Schedule: GAVIRTUAL ONLY: May 31 & June 1 ALL OTHER PROGRAMS: June 1 & June 3 8:00am – 3:30pm @ Union Grove High -Info on the school website
Deadline: June 10, 2016 Award: $1,000 Essay topic on website: http://www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm
Athletic Scholarships Essay & Application Due: June 17th BIG SUN Athletic Scholarships Several $500 Awards Essay & Application Due: June 17th http://www.bigsunathletics.com
Metro Atlanta Alumni Association Scholarships No out of state fees! Metro Atlanta Alumni Association Scholarships Metro Atlanta Alumni Scholarship Application or See counseling office for an application *Due June 30th
Join The Senior SCHOLARSHIP Newsletter! 81010 Enter this number @theseni Text this message
LUNCH Chili Chicken Nuggets Garden Salad w/turkey & cheese THUR 5-12 LUNCH Chili Chicken Nuggets Garden Salad w/turkey & cheese Baked potato, carrot sticks Applesauce, cinnamon roll THURSDAY Nov 15th