Helping NoRH and APC students MONASH LIBRARY Helping NoRH and APC students Andrew Dixon, Subject Librarian, Caulfield Campus
Aims Library services and resources aim to assist students by: Enhancing research and learning skills Building transferable skills Developing strategies for academic success Empowering independent study
Our expertise Time management Academic writing expectations Writing genres Problem solving Critical thinking Deconstructing assignments Constructing & analysing arguments Oral presentations Working in teams Study strategies Academic integrity Citing and referencing Researching using databases and journals Search strategies Evaluating web resources Exam preparation
What we offer Online resources Library guides RLO (Research and learning online) Targeted, library-created, resources in Moodle Units Drop-in consultations at the Research and Learning Point Workshops Lecture/tutorial presentations Unit assignment workshops Generic
What next? Link to RLO “Improve your academic performance” Complete the “Learning skills assessment questionnaire” Contact the relevant Library Faculty team: