Post-Secondary Options Ms. Fernandes- Career and Post-Secondary Advisor
Career centre Website: Link is on the SDSS website under “Career Centre” Info on upcoming events/deadlines, applying for post-secondary, SAT’s, Trades programs, and scholarships/financial aid Email list: will be sending emails throughout the year regarding upcoming post-secondary events and updates, scholarship info, and job and volunteer opportunities If you would like to be added, please send me an email: Students or parents can drop in Mon-Thurs (hours are 830-330pm) or can email me to make an appt
Grade 12 Timeline October/November: December: Jan/Feb: March/April: Begin applications Kwantlen/Langara/Douglas College: apply for limited intake programs October 1st Start attending open houses at schools/info sessions for specific programs University/colleges start doing Flex/Lunch visits at SDSS: students can subscribe to e- mail list or look at Career Centre website to find out when Campus tour to SFU (Oct. 24th) ($15 cost) Campus tour to UBC (Nov. 29th) ($15 cost) December: Application deadlines for some major entrance scholarships (UBC, SFU, U of A) Jan/Feb: University application deadlines Self-reporting of grades starts/submitting of interim transcripts Campus tour to UVic (Jan. 31st) ($40 cost) Deadlines for completion of online courses begin: Jan. 31st for SFU, Feb. 1st for UBC March/April: Begin receiving admission offers
BC Universities: UBC UBC: most popular faculties are Arts, Science, Applied Science/Engineering, Commerce, Kinesiology (other faculties include Fine Arts and Food/Nutrition) Second campus in Kelowna (UBCO): popular faculties are Arts, Science, Engineering, Management, Human Kinetics and Nursing UBCO is often less competitive for admissions Courses required will vary by faculty, info is on their website English requirement? Admissions: They are recommending a minimum of 6 academic or non-academic Grade 12 courses. Students who want to be competitive should aim for at least 5 academic courses, 6 if possible (considered anything besides PE, Career planning/Grad Trans or Applied Design/Skills/Technology courses). Evaluating students on all Grade 11 and 12 academic courses, and will also look at “core courses” that are most related to the program the student is applying to. Also looking for breadth (variety of courses), whether a student has challenged themselves by taking more courses or more difficult courses (like AP) and how relevant the student’s courses are to what they will be studying.
BC Universities: UBC Personal profile: Part of what students are evaluated on in application to UBC The Personal Profile allows students to tell UBC about the things that are important to them: significant achievements, what they have learned from their experiences, and challenges they’ve overcome Students will be given a few essay questions to answer within their application (example of questions from last year are posted on my website) Early admission deadline: December 1st (based only on Grade 11 grades, very competitive) Students who want to be considered for the Major Entrance scholarships at UBC need to apply for early admission Regular deadline Jan 15th
BC Universities: SFU Main campus in Burnaby, 2nd campus in Surrey, small campus in downtown Vancouver Faculties: Arts/Social sciences, Science, Business, Health Sciences, Applied Science/Engineering, Environment, Education and Communication/Art/Technology English requirement: minimum of 70% in English 12 Math requirement: minimum of 60% in a Math 11/12 Admissions: Students need a minimum of 5 approved Grade 12 courses including English 12 (other course requirements will vary by faculty) Students will be evaluated on all of their approved Grade 12 courses, with more emphasis on “List A” courses (these courses are different for each program and listed on the website) Supplemental applications: Business and Contemporary Arts Application deadlines: Dec. 3rd for the Major Entrance scholarship Regular deadline is Jan. 31st
BC Universities: University of Victoria Faculties: Social Sciences, Humanities, Business, Science, Engineering, Education, Fine Arts and Human/Social Development (includes a Nursing partnership with Camosun College) Admissions: Students are evaluated on four Grade 12 courses (these courses always include English 12, and the other three will differ depending on the faculty). These courses all have to be “approved” courses, and the list of approved courses is available on their website. Students are also required to have certain Grade 11 courses (typically English 11, and a Science, Socials and Math 11 course). UVic posts “recommended admission averages” for each program based on Grade 12 marks (see below): Social sciences: 78-82% Engineering- 82-87% Science: 80-85% Business- 80-85% Supplemental applications: Business, Fine Arts, and some specialized programs like Child and Youth Care Admission deadline: Feb 28th
BC Universities: Kwantlen (KPU) 3 Main Campuses (Richmond, Surrey and Langley)-Trades and Technology campus in Cloverdale Programs: Arts, Science and Horticulture, Business, Trades and Technology, Wilson School of Design, Health (Nursing currently closed to applications) Admissions: English 12 with C+, or Communications 12 with A Some Limited intake programs will have other admission requirements, and Design programs often require a supplemental application or a portfolio Checking the 1st year courses in a program’s curriculum and their prerequisites can give more info on what high school courses might be required to register for 1st year courses Early applications are important for Limited Intake programs because the first students who apply (starting Oct. 1st) will be considered right away and spots can fill up in smaller programs Application deadline for Limited intake programs and recommended deadline for all applicants: March 1st
BC Universities: Kwantlen (KPU) Students who want to graduate from a larger university (UBC, SFU, UVic) can go to Kwantlen (or Langara or Douglas College) to do an Associate degree in Arts or Science for 2 years: this allows them to apply to transfer to a larger BC university for their last 2 years of the degree Students can also apply to transfer into a degree program at a larger university after completing certain Diplomas (2 years) at one of the smaller institutions (Kwantlen, Langara, Douglas College) There are some 1 year transfer programs available (especially in Engineering) and degree partnerships as well: these are outlined on the BC Transfer Guide website under “Degree Partnerships”.
BC Colleges: Langara College Langara College: Located in Vancouver Programs: Arts, Science, Business, Humanities/Social Sciences, and Health (including Nursing) Admissions: High school graduation, and 80% in English 12 if student is planning to enrol in 1st year English course (there are English assessments that students can write if they don’t graduate with 80%) Some programs will have more academic requirements, and Fine Arts programs will usually require a supplementary application/portfolio Checking the 1st year courses in a program’s curriculum and their prerequisites can give more info on what high school courses might be required to register for 1st year courses Early applications are important for Limited Intake programs because the first students who apply (starting Oct. 1st) will be considered right away and spots can fill up in smaller programs Applications are usually open til April/May
BC Colleges: Douglas College Located in New Westminster and Coquitlam Programs: Humanities/Social Sciences, Business, Science and Technology, Health Sciences (including Nursing), Child/Family/Community Studies, Language/Literature/Performing Arts Admissions: High school graduation and English 12 (C grade) or Comm 12 (B grade) Some programs will have more academic requirements, and Fine Arts programs will usually require a supplementary application/portfolio Checking the 1st year courses in a program’s curriculum and their prerequisites can give more info on what high school courses might be required to register for 1st year courses Early applications are important for Limited Intake programs because the first students who apply (starting Oct. 1st) will be considered right away and spots can fill up in smaller programs Applications are usually open til April/May
Other Options in the Lower Mainland BCIT (Burnaby): Trades, Technology, Engineering, Business, Health sciences VCC (Vancouver): Trades, Baking/Culinary Arts, Hospitality, Health sciences, Business, Technology University of the Fraser Valley (Abbotsford): Arts, Science, Health Science (including Nursing), Trades Capilano University (North Vancouver): Arts, Science, Business, Education/Health/Human Development, Fine Arts, Global/Community Studies Specialized: Emily Carr University of Art and Design (Vancouver) Justice Institute of BC (New Westminster)
Colleges that offer Trades and Career Specific Programs Examples: Kwantlen/KPU, BCIT, VCC, University of the Fraser Valley Require specific Grade 11 and 12 courses with specified marks Most programs work on a continual or waitlist basis (students can apply anytime throughout the year) There is the option to do pre-tests (in Math, English etc.) at the BCIT or Kwantlen campuses to potentially decrease the time you are on the waitlist for trades programs at these institutions Students can see Ms. Burr if they are interested in Train in Trades/Work Experience programs- this may give you an advantage when applying to post-secondary Trades programs
How to Apply BC: Alberta: Ontario: USA: EducationPlannerBC ( Alberta: Apply Alberta ( Ontario: Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) ( USA: Common Application Form ( This website can be used for over 700 universities and colleges in the USA
Student Transcripts Service Students planning on university/college in Fall 2019 need to activate their Post-Secondary selections (on the Student Transcripts Service) Have to be completed by the end of February at the latest Gives the BC Government permission to send official transcripts to the selected schools in May (Term 2) and July (final transcript). All Canadian universities/colleges that students apply to will want these transcripts to confirm marks in the spring/summer Important exception: UBC has informed that they want students to do this ASAP after they have applied. UBC will be using this process to view student’s marks throughout the year after they have applied (including their Grade 11 marks). For UBC, students will want to select the option that gives them access to all of the transcripts starting right away. Detailed instructions on how to log into the system are on the Career Centre website and in the “Preparing for After High School” booklet that students received in their classes You can send up to 25 free transcripts. You can go back into this system at any time before end of Feb to add more universities/colleges to your list. Many American and international schools can receive transcripts this way as well.
Scholarships and Bursaries Entrance scholarships Offered to students by the university/college they have applied to. Info about entrance scholarships for prospective first-year students is available on the website of each university/college Many entrance scholarships are automatic (based on grades) but some have a separate application. These awards are presented to students who excel in academics, or other areas such as athletics, fine arts, community involvement or leadership. Nominated Scholarships Some scholarships are "nominated," which means the student needs to be nominated by the school in order to apply/be considered. I will be sending out info to my e-mail list on nominated scholarships that come up throughout the year. Students are asked to submit their Nominated Scholarship Student Profile to the Career Centre if they want to be considered (an outline of volunteer experience, community service, achievements, postsecondary plans etc.) Students have to submit the Profile to be considered for any Nominated scholarships.
Scholarships and Bursaries OPEN AWARDS Open to all students that meet the criteria Students must apply for these awards. These awards could be from universities, colleges, unions, and private and public organizations Ms. Fernandes will be sending out any info she receives about scholarships to her e-mail list throughout the year SDSS Community and District awards Community awards: Donations from clubs, organizations and members of the community in Delta District Authority awards: available from the Delta School District every year to students who excel in a particular area (athletics, fine arts, trades, community service etc.) Applications will be available in early April: will be handed out in classes after Spring break and will also be available in the Career centre
Upcoming Dates/Events Applications for these schools began in September: UBC, UVic, Capilano, Emily Carr (Sept 15th) Applications for these schools begin Oct. 1st: SFU, Langara, Douglas College, Kwantlen Applications for BCIT begin Nov. 1st September 28th: CUE (Canadian Universities Event) at Sands Secondary (6-8pm) October 2nd: CUE (Canadian Universities Event) at Delta Burnaby Conference Centre (6-8pm) October 15th: Post-secondary Evening at SDSS (6:20-7:40pm in the gym) October 21st: Study and Go Abroad Fair at Vancouver Convention Centre October 24th: SFU Campus tour ($15 to Ms. Fernandes) Presentations at SDSS (conference room): Kwantlen (KPU) on October 9th at Flex UVic on October 16th at Lunch SFU on October 18th at Flex Univ. of Guelph on Oct. 25th at Flex Western University on Oct. 29th at Flex U of C on Oct. 29th at Lunch November 1st: UBC Evening at SDSS (7pm in the Theatre)