RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “Believers’ unity and ministry gifts”, we learnt that we should make every effort to maintain unity despite our differences. This demands from us lowliness, longsuffering, forbearance and love. God has appointed ministry gifts in the church for the specific purpose of growing and maturing the body of Christ. We should not tear the body down through deceit but build it through unconditional love. Growth requires both effort and unity!
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 726: VISION FOR MISSIONS MEMORY VERSE: …… “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). TEXT: Acts 16:1-15
INTRODUCTION The need for vision for missions is great in the church today because Jesus died for the whole world; and God wants every nation and culture reached. He expects converts from all “nations, and kindreds, and people and tongues.” God expects every Christian to be a missionary either involved directly or indirectly. Missions should occupy a central place in the church. QUESTION 1: Why do we need vision for missions today? – 1 Timothy 2:3-4; Acts 26:18 QUESTION 2: What place should missionary outreach occupy in the ministry of the church? – Luke 9:59-60; Acts 16:9-10
A MISSION’S COMMISSION Matthew 28:19 For the Great Commission to be accomplished, there must be a going forth. The gospel should reach people in their own culture and geographical setting. God commands the church to seek the lost whether near or far. Today there are Macedonian calls from all over the world especially here in Europe and the Lord is saying “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” QUESTION 3: How central is a mission to the Great Commission? – Mark 16:15; Romans 10:13-14
THE CHURCH ON MISSION Galatians 2:8 God has shown His burden for missions by directly sending one of the apostles to the Gentiles. The early church showed great commitment to missions. The Lord has sent the church to the uttermost parts of the earth. The unevangelised are yearning to hear the gospel message. The field is ripe and ready for harvest. Billions of souls are still in darkness. The gospel message should be taken to the whole world. Believers are ‘saved to serve’ and should not shrink from making great personal sacrifices to reach out to the dying soul!
PLANNING FOR MISSIONS Acts 11:22-27 Missions should be carefully planned and wisely executed. It should be well funded. Workers who have proven ability and dependable personality can be sacrificially sent to the mission field. A missionary should not be self-centered or seek the praise of men. He must be committed to God, His cause, His word and the church. He needs an unwavering purpose, a definite call and a Christ-centered motive. QUESTION 4: List important qualifications potential missionaries must possess – Titus 1:7-8; John 9:4
CALL TO THE MISSION FIELD Acts 16:9,10,15; 13:1-3 A believer could receive God’s direct call to the mission field or through the church leadership. One could also be called to the mission field by having persistent desire or conviction for missions. Neglect of missions attracts God’s frown and unanswered prayers. QUESTION 5: How can a believer receive the call to the mission field? – Acts 16:9-10; Acts 13:2-4 QUESTION 6: What are the consequences of neglecting missions? – Zechariah 7:13; Ezekiel 3:18
CONCLUSION Jesus died for the whole world. God wants all to be saved. God expects every Christian to be a missionary directly or indirectly. God commands us all to seek the lost, far or near, through missions. Believers are saved to serve and should make great personal sacrifices to reach out to the sinners. A missionary must be committed to God, His cause, His word and the church. To neglect missions is to court God’s frown.