Lesson 1 Our Missionary God
The Old Testament Shows the Foundation of God’s Missionary Plan for the World
The New Testament Shows the Heart of God’s Missionary Plan for the World
Eternity Will Show the Triumph of God’s Missionary Plan for the World
Why is understanding the missionary heart of God so important?
Knowing what we do about God, is it ever right for a believer to say that he doesn’t believe God has called him to be part of missions work? Why would that statement be untrue?
Lesson 2 Our Mission
The Great Commission Matthew 28:18–20
Is there any part of the world where Jesus does not have authority Is there any part of the world where Jesus does not have authority? Will we ever be in a place where we have no right to preach about Jesus?
What are some ways Jesus’ worldwide authority could change the way you view your mission in the world?
What are some ways you can teach What are some ways you can teach? Who are some young believers that God has placed in your life that you could teach?
The Great Commandments Matthew 22:34–40
What are some commands that you think the Pharisees might have considered the greatest commandment? What makes you think this?
Holding the Ropes: The Importance of Prayer in Missions Lesson 3 Holding the Ropes: The Importance of Prayer in Missions
Jesus Prayed for Missions Luke 10:1–4 John 17:18–21
Prayer and the Missionary Work of Paul Acts 13:1–3 Ephesians 6:18–20
How Can You Pray for Missions? That God would send out laborers That God would provide for those already on the field
How Can You Pray for Missions? That God would protect and empower national believers That God would open new doors to the gospel
Investing in Eternity: Giving to Missions Lesson 4 Investing in Eternity: Giving to Missions
Giving Is Part of God’s Plan Philippians 4:10–16
Why do you think God chooses to use many individuals and churches to support His ministers?
Giving Is an Act of Worship Philippians 4:17–18
We Can Never Outgive God Philippians 4:19 No gift too small No gift too big
Witnesses to the World: Answering God’s Call Lesson 5 Witnesses to the World: Answering God’s Call
God Has Authority Everywhere Matthew 28:16–20
What are some places and who are some people that would be hard to reach with the gospel?
All of Us Are Going Somewhere Matthew 28:19 Carrying the Gospel in Daily Living
What are some ways you could allow God to minister the gospel through your daily activities right now? Who has God placed in your life that needs to see the gospel shining in you?
All of Us Are Going Somewhere Matthew 28:19 Carrying the Gospel in Daily Living Carrying the Gospel During Special Events
How does knowing that God is in control of everything change the way you view both the fun and hard events of your life?
What are some ways you could take advantage of these times to carry the gospel?
All of Us Are Going Somewhere Matthew 28:19 Carrying the Gospel in Daily Living Carrying the Gospel During Special Events Carrying the Gospel Through Major Life Changes
How Will You Go? Acts 8:4 Go Proclaiming Going to Proclaim