“This is the Missionary’s…!” John 13:1-17
The Gospel of Grace is the never changing message for the ever changing world!...
to better understand the job description for all servants of the Lord. Purpose: to better understand the job description for all servants of the Lord.
I This is the Missionary’s WORLD A. Worlds Change B. Missionary’s Threat -- DISILLUSIONMENT
There has been and will continue to be a lot of hammering on granite…
II This is the Missionary’s MESSAGE
Several years ago a sermon book was published: “If I Had One Sermon to Preach.” Inside this book were sermons of well known preachers and what they’d preach if they only had one more to preach…
II This is the Missionary’s MESSAGE A. A Missionary’s Message is Many Fold B. Preach/Teach the Cross
Likewise, we believe every text in the Bible leaders to the Cross of Christ!...
III This is the Missionary’s EXAMPLE
“For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.” John 13:15 “For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.”
III This is the Missionary’s EXAMPLE A. Jesus Christ was a Preacher Not a Promoter B. Jesus Christ was a Minister Not a Manager C. Jesus Christ was an Evan- gelizer Not an Organizer D. Jesus Christ was a Prayer Not a Cheerleader
Daniel Bell is about to embark upon a new chapter in his life – mission work in Monterrey, Mexico a city of a million people plus. He truly will be “our man in the field”…
Summary and Conclusion And so, to all here today and in particular to you, Daniel Bell – picture the Son of God washing your feet – then go forth and serve Him!