Thomas Hobbes English Guy (1588-1679) Wrote the Leviathan “I prefer the evil of absolute power to evil of a society which has no authority.” Feared chaos and anarchy State of nature- total freedom, no controls
Thomas Hobbes… “Man was motivated by greed, he was selfish, self-serving—wanted power, wealth, property, fame, and SEX.” Man is basically BAD People emerge from the state of nature with a “Contract” to control Chaos—people give up some rights and freedoms. Rule must be enforced by absolute power
Thomas Hobbes Monarchy is Best Has the line of succession, people are prepared from birth, Education diplomatic contacts Democracy allows people to change the rules—bad people will be too easy on themselves
John Locke (1632-1704) “Father of Modern Democracy” Copied by Thomas Jefferson Said “All men are created EQUAL” (went against rule by divine right) All men are born with basic, God-given rights—Life, Liberty, Property.
State of Nature- men without controls. Man is basically good. -disagreed with Hobbes—only some are bad. -agreed with Hobbes—there would be chaos. Social Contract – to protect life, liberty, and property. Government may never go beyond the contract. If government breaks the contract- people have the obligation to revolt and begin again.
HOBBES LOCKE English Philosophers Man is basically evil. Monarchy “Ruling Class” Prevent chaos Cannot be Broken Man is basically good “Modern Democracy” “All men are created equal” Protect Life, liberty and property The contract can and should be broken English Philosophers