Out of Chaos comes Order… Tokugawa Japan Out of Chaos comes Order…
But first a haiku about APWH… the room is warm warm with certain colors the room falls still yet minds work ホルヘ・トーレス
Some background is necessary Japan before Tokugawa Bushido: the core of samurai principles Shinto: polytheistic; ancestor veneration; kami (spirits within natural objects) Emperor worship 1300s –late 1500s was period of competing warlords & civil war
Three leaders assert control Japanese idiom: "Nobunaga pounds the national rice cake, Hideyoshi kneads it, and in the end Ieyasu sits down and eats it." Three leaders assert control Oda Nobunaga: brings firearms Hideyoshi Toyotomi: Organized control, but didn’t last long Tokugawa Ieyasu: Ambitious, calculating, est. long control
Chinese culture was embraced by Japan Confucianism: created order and ethical center Buddhism migrates to Japan Chinese style writing Art & architecture
Tokugawa Control Alternate residences Hostage system Conscripted labor for public works Rearrangement of social system
Social Structure of Feudal Japan: 1467-1867 Emperor Rules in name only Shogun (Military Leader) Daimyo (Warlord) Samurai (warriors serving Shogun & Daimyo) Peasants/Farmers Low Class: Subject to will of samurai class Merchants & Artisans Low status but wealth was possible Eta: Lowest of the social system
Tokugawa Control Fixed Residences and Fixed occupations International Restrictions: Christianity in Japan? Samurai culture and bushido dominant Kenno Code: Bushido as legal code + proscription on corruption or non-sanctioned violence Tokugawa Success: 200 years of general peace
Unintended Consequences of Tokugawa Restructuring of Japan Daimyo impoverished Wealthy Merchants Daimyo and Samurai Relationship changes Samurai as Bureaucrats Warriors without war Decay and corruption at the center
Unintended Consequences of Tokugawa Restructuring of Japan National Transportation network Unified Language Unified Culture Money Economy Farmer’s wealth
Unintended Consequences of Tokugawa Restructuring of Japan Urban society Art Literature Entertainment