The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32
Jeremiah Pleading For His People To Return To The Lord [2:27]
Three Hebrew Words And One Greek שוב shub* turn back 7,7,12,14,19,22,1,1 משובה mshubh back turning, backslide 6,8,11,12 שובב shubb one turning back, backsliding 14,22 * ‘b’ pronounced like the ‘v’ in victory [if with dagesh then b as in boy] Μετανοεω metanoeo repent, to have another mind Mt 3:2,8; Ac2:38 = change of mind, direction with actions that match, not just in thoughts but also in heart
I. Returning To The Lord Begins By Learning And Turning 3:6-10 Nation, Person
I. Returning To The Lord Begins By Learning and Turning 3:6-10 Judah Christians Lessons we see in the Scriptures Lessons we learn in life Questions for Application What are three things God has taught you? What happens if you don’t learn or won’t learn? How far back must you go if you have turned away?
II. Returning To The Lord Comes With Mercy, …., Healing 312-15,18,22a Knowledge Understanding Hope Healing … Nation, Person
II. Returning To The Lord Comes With Mercy, …., Healing 312-15,18,22a Judah Christians - What came with Jesus? J8:1-11, Lk22:32, J21:15-19 - What does Jesus offer the 5 churches in Rev 2 and 3 that repent? Questions for Application Is there a limit to number of times one may return? What are three things you would want from God if you were to backslide? What can you do to prevent backsliding?
III. Returning To The Lord Requires Right Words, Actions and Heart 3:22b—4:4 Mercy Knowledge Understanding Hope Healing … Right Heart Nation, Person Right Actions Right Words
III. Returning To The Lord Requires Right Words, Actions and Heart 3:22b—4:4 Judah Christians Jesus’ teaching on words, actions and heart Other teaching on words, actions and heart Questions for Application How do you know if your heart is right? Not right? Why must you do more than just ‘say the right words? How do you circumcise your heart?
Applications Write three things you have learned from the Scriptures and three things you have learned from life. What are you learning now? What qualities do you want God to show you if you turn away from Him? How can you demonstrate them to others? What happens if you have right words but not right actions? Right actions but not right heart? How do you get you your heart right? Read the story of the prodigal son. What is happening with the older son?