Forest Park H. S. Freshmen Parent Information Workshop Empowering Students to Excel
School Counseling New Horizons Registrar Therapist Mrs. Scowcroft Ms. Popovich Social Worker Secretary Mr. DeAngelo Mrs. Geisinger School Secretary Psychologist Testing Coor. Mr. Shackford Mrs. Wyatt SS
Making Appointments Fill out a form before/after school or during lunch and place it in your counselor’s mailbox on their door. In an emergency, students can be seen immediately by any counselor! AL
Confidentiality Conversations are kept confidential unless someone is being hurt or is involved in something illegal. Confidentiality Statement: “If you tell me that someone is hurting you or you intend to hurt yourself or someone else, or that you are involved in something illegal, I must tell someone.” this includes suicide, pregnancy, abortion, communicable diseases, and alcohol/drug abuse AL
Diploma Types Total = 26 Credits Total = 22 Credits Advanced Standard English 4 credits Math 4 credits Science 4 credits Social Studies 4 credits HPE 2 credits Econ & Pers Finance (online) 1 credit Foreign Lang 3 of 1 or 2 of 2 Fine Art/CTE 1 credit Electives 3 credits (2 sequential) Total = 26 Credits Standard English 4 credits Math 3 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies 3 credits HPE 2 credits Econ & Pers Finance (online) 1 credit For Lang/Fine Art/CTE 2 credits Electives 4 credits (2 sequential & 1 CTE credential) Total = 22 Credits TS mention that the CPR requirement will be fulfilled through HPE I & the online and CTE credential requirements are fulfilled through the Econ class
Standards of Learning (SOL) State of Virginia Standardized Testing English English 11 (Reading/Writing) Math Alg I, Geom, Alg II Science Earth Sci, Bio, Chem Social Studies Wld Hist I, Wld Hist II, US/VA Hist Advanced & Standard Diploma Total of 5 English - 2 Math - 1 Sci – 1 SS - 1 TS mention that most students will have 3 SOLs this year (math, world history, and a science) and, if they pass, may meet more than ½ of their SOL requirements this school year
Transcript & GPA - Everything Counts A transcript is an official record of a student’s classes, grades and grade point average, and decile rank. How to calculate your GPA: Each grade you earn is assigned a point value, for example, for standard classes: A = 4 points B+ = 3.4 C+ = 2.4 D+ = 1.4 F = 0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 At the end of the school year, add the point values for all final grades and divide by the total number of classes taken Note, certain courses are weighted (worth more points) Example: an A in AP Psychology is worth 5 points Remember if you repeat a class, the old grade stays on your transcript, as well as, the new grade so the GPA will reflect an average of the two. Students will receive a decile rank, not a precise rank. JF Please mention that high school credit classes taken in middle school, such as, Algebra I and/or a foreign language, may be expunged from a student’s transcript if a parent/guardian resubmits a request form by the end of the student’s 9th grade year.
Promotion Requirements 10th Grade 5 credits; 3 in required courses 11th Grade 11 credits; 6 in required courses 12th Grade 16 credits; 9 in required courses JF
Athletic Eligibility Requirements Must pass 5 subjects by the end of the semester and year to be academically eligible for Virginia High School League activities Must earn at least three D’s and two C’s every 9 weeks to remain eligible (Prince William County School Board regulation) AP
Helpful Tips for Students Driver’s Training: must pass HPE I to take HPE II which has classroom driver’s education Work Permits: DOLI website, Tutoring: list is on School Counseling webpage & hard copy is in School Counseling lobby Absences: only 3 days to bring in an excuse! 5 unexcused absences = initial meeting 6 unexcused absences = interagency meeting 7 unexcused absences = truancy officer/court action AP mention that the signed excused note must be turned in within 3 school days from the absence
Parent-Teacher Contact Forest Park High School encourages parents to communicate with teachers in a variety of ways. ¨ All parents should use Parent Portal to monitor grades to stay updated on instruction, assignments, and upcoming events in each of their child’s classes. ¨ Parents may also request to receive a progress report from a teacher via e-mail. ¨ If a parent/guardian has a question about their child’s progress, they should follow the protocols below: Prior to requesting a parent-teacher conference: ¨ Check Parent Portal for grades/progress that may answer your question(s). ¨ If your question(s) is not answered through Parent Portal, call (703-583-3200) or email the teacher(s) with whom you need to address a concern. Contact information is located on Forest Park’s website, under Staff Directory or on the teacher’s webpage. ¨ If, after a period of ongoing phone or e-mail contact, you feel it necessary to schedule a face-to-face meeting, you should contact the teacher directly to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet. ¨ If you want to meet with three or more teachers, please contact your child’s School Counselor at (571-589-3437) or via email (listed below) to arrange a parent-teacher conference. Counselor assignments are: Conferences are Monday-Thursday at 2:15 p.m. A-Cap Aimee Linder ( Car-Fa Tiffany Smith ( Fe-Je Judith Flores ( Ji-Kh Stephen Smith ( Ki-Kz Elisabeth Neace ( L-Par Anna Phalan ( Pas-Sl Elisabeth Neace ( Smi-Z Erin Fitzpatrick ( EN
2018-19 Interim & Report Card Dates INTERIMS REPORT CARDS FIRST SEMESTER (93 DAYS) First 9 Weeks (48 DAYS) August 27-September 28/November 2 October 11 November 14 Second 9 Weeks (45 DAYS) November 5–December 10/January 25 December 19 February 6 SECOND SEMESTER (88 DAYS) Third 9 Weeks (43 DAYS) January 29-February 27/March 29 March 8 April 9 Fourth 9 Weeks (45 DAYS) April 2—May 8/June 11 May 17 mailed by June 19 EN
Teacher Recommendation Window will be open from Jan 1 at midnight until Jan 18 at 11:59pm Teachers will input their recommendations online Parent/Student Recommendation Window will be open from January 19 at 12:00am until January 25 at 11:59pm Parents will be able to view teacher recs via Parent Portal and add requests of their own (cannot change teacher recs, but can add to them) Counselors will meet with students individually starting in mid-February to assist them in choosing the proper courses for next year **Students have from the time that they select classes in February until the last day of school to make a change to their schedule.** EF
about presented material time about presented material AP/EN