2.02 Merchandise Buying Plans Inventory
buyers Responsible for selecting and buying goods for their companies
Buyers must: Must know customers’ taste and preferences What they want, when they want it, what they are willing to pay Determine quantities and timing for styles, colors, sizes, and prices
Department buying Buying for a specific department such as women’s, men’s, juniors, etc.
Classification buying Method of buying for chain stores. Usually only buy 1 classification. Ex: men’s sweaters, women’s dresses
Merchandise cycle Plan Buy Sell
Buying plan A PLAN that describes the types and quantities of merchandise to buy
Assortment breadth (width) The number of different categories or classifications to sell. Men’s, women’s, children’s, accessories, juniors, etc.
Assortment depth Quantity of each item carried
Inventory = stock Amount of merchandise available
Assortment plan Projects the variety and quantity of stock to meet customer demand
Dollar merchandise plan A 6-month financial plan $ amount needed Feb july; aug Jan $ amount of merchandise each month Based on the previous year
Stock turnover How quickly an item sells (moves). High turnover means the product is moving, thus, increasing profit
Shock shortage (shrinkage) Difference between the books and actual store inventory. May differ due to: Employee theft Shoplifting Errors Vendor fraud
Stock keeping unit (sku) A number assigned to each item Gender Size Color style
Stock to sales ratio $ stock value beginning of month $ projected sales for month Helps determine if the right amount of merchandise will be available to sell
Complementary products Items used to complement or accessorize. Ex: selling winter coats so the store stocks hats and gloves also
Comparison shoppers People employed by stores to check out the competitors’ prices, assortment, sales, advertising, promotions, displays, services, salespeople, etc.
Indirect selling Nonpersonal promotional selling aimed at large, general audiences
Direct selling Personal interaction with the customer when exchanging merchandise for payment
Internal information Information found internally Past sales records Customer feedback Want slips Consumer polls
External information External information used Vendors Trade info (publications, shows, industry stats) Consulting services Fashion forecasters
Resources when Selecting vendors Manufacturers Wholesales Websites Catalogs importers