Production Pitch By Bradley Detton
Production Media/Delivery/Deadline Friday 5th June 2015 It is to be made on Photoshop and After Effects To make the production I am going to use computers.
Production Mindmaps Here in the first mind map I decided to show possible key elements to the production and main things around in the present day that could occur in the future.
Here is the second showing ways I could make my final production Here is the second showing ways I could make my final production. They all suggest ideas that will help me decide what I want to use for my final design. Then, from my survey I can use this as help when in the making of the last project.
Here is my third mind map showing links to one another on how the story may be plotted. Was to show consideration of how I planned and what I had thought about for the year of 2025.
Production Mindmaps I made four mind maps to show my ideas towards what I thought there might be in 2025. It was to show what might be in the final production and to help me plan out before starting the production. In this one its towards the actually production itself.
Production Concept/Style/USP To be made as 2D animation and to be made to put the message across that technology could change the world because of how much we rely on technology. Its to identify what these reasons could be in the future and put the message across that we should spend less time using technology.
Production Audience The audience will be for all ages as it is PG rated and aimed at a wide audience. Also, parents to show their children the effects technology could potentially have.
Production Equipment/Techniques Computer to use the programs needed to make some of the 2D animation. Using the stand with the lamps to take shots for stop motion animation, using light to to show time change in the animation. Moving the cut outs close together to make the animation seem more smoother and more professional.
Production Resources/Budget Computer = £200 - £1000 After Effects and Photoshop = £400-£600 Paper = 10p Scissors = 20p Pen = 10p Blu-tac = £1 CS-920 COPY STAND = £100
Production Collaboration I will be using Callum as audio for the narrator to talk over the first scene to make the production promote that we shouldn’t rely on technology as much as we do. Sounds off the internet to make the animation more interesting. Sounds may be tweaked to make own sounds to time in well with the animation.
Production Constraints Somebody could move the cut outs for the stop motion animation meaning the animation won’t be as smooth and will be jumpy. Light intensity needs to be kept the same to keep the animation as professional as possible. Whether the table surface is sturdy and won't move to effect the production.