Installing Permanent Traffic Counters Warm Springs Reservation 2004
Typical Permanent Site Cost $28,000 for 4 sites with software included. Constructed by tribal construction department with aid of electrician to set meter base and connect to local power grid.
Permanent Site After Overlay
Workzone Traffic Control Note flaggers and traffic cones diverting traffic from work area.
Traffic Control Sign Note warning sign placed 500 feet before flaggers and work zone for traffic counter installation.
Worker cutting groove Worker cutting groove with small portable saw.
Cleaning Groove Worker (left) cleaning cut groove with compressed air. Worker (right) feeding loop wire into cleaned groove.
Forming Wire Loop Worker feeding wire into cut groove to form detection loop for counter. Needed to match wire size and groove width. Four loops needed to detect speed, direction and length of vehicles.
Feeding Wire in Loop Worker on right feeding loop wire into cut groove. Worker on left filling groove with joint compound.
Cutting Grove and Filling Loop Larger Diamond Edge saw cutting groove for loop installation (foreground) Filling groove with joint compound (middle ground) Flagging traffic (background)
Sealing Loop with Joint Compound Worker sealing corner of loop with joint compound. Note angled corner of loop groove to ease bending of wire to loop shape.
Worker sealing loop Note angled corners of 6 foot square loop and larger pavement saw.
Sealing of Loops Workers sealing of loops with joint compound to prevent traffic damage and keep water out of pavement. Lots of pictures of sealing loops…..much time involved in this step.
Shoulder Trench Note shoulder trench for leads from the 4 detection loops. 8 leads from the 4 loops buried from the shoulder to the traffic counter cabinet.
Connecting Loops to Cabinet Worker installing leads from 4 loops up to bottom of traffic counter cabinet. Note cabinet installed too high above ground for this installation.
Traffic Counter Cabinet Permanent traffic counter cabinet. Note 110 volt meter base and circuit breaker on back of pole.
Inside of Cabinet Note Wiring diagram on lid, circuit breaker, power supply, loop lead in wires, and traffic counter.
Inside of traffic counter Note inside of traffic counter. 16 key pad entry interface, led display, on/off switch
LED interface LED interface for counter. Display shown is typical for downloading information to datahog device.
Wiring Connections for Counter Wiring connections to permanent counter. Connections from left to right, power input, download cable, loop connector and datahog download device.
End of Presentation Thank You