Chapter 5 Measuring Carpentry Work
Board Measure Most lumber is dressed; this means that surfaces are sanded, which reduces the size of cross section. Lumber is still referred to by its nominal size. –For example, a 2 x 4 has a true size of 1½ by 3½. Unit of measurement of lumber is board measure (BM) or board foot (BF)/ –1000-board feet is written: MBF Board measure is a cubic measure where one unit of BM is equivalent to a 1 x 12 board 1-foot long.
Board Measure Calculations
Measuring Notes – Rough Carpentry Lumber may be measured by piece, by length in linear feet, or in board measure. Lumber generally is measured separately on the basis of the following categories: –Dimensions: 2 x 4; 2 x 6; 2 x 8; etc –Dressing: rough sawn or S4S –Grade –Species: Douglas fir, larch, etc.
Measuring Notes – Wallboards Wallboards are measured in square feet. No deductions are made for openings less than 40-square feet. Wallboards are classified and measured separately in the following categories: –Type of material –Thickness
Measuring Notes – Framing Work (1 of 2) Lumber for framing is classified and measured separately in the following categories: –Plates –Studs –Etc. Prefabricated trusses, truss joists, and truss rafters are enumerated and fully described. Manufactured beams, joists, and rafters are measured in linear feet. Sheathing boards are measured in square feet.
Measuring Notes – Framing Work (2 of 2) Common boards, shiplap, tongued and grooved, plywood, and other types of sheathing are measured separately in square feet. Copings and fascias are measured in linear feet. Soffits are measured in square feet. Sidings are measured in square feet. Vapor barriers and air barriers are measured in square feet. Underlay and sub floors are measured in square feet. Blocking and furring are measured in board measure.
Measuring Notes – Finish Carpentry and Millwork (1 of 2) Items generally are classified and measured separately according to materials, size, and method of installation. Trim is measured in linear feet stating size. Baseboard and carpet strip are measured through door openings. Shelving is measured in linear feet stating width.
Measuring Notes – Finish Carpentry and Millwork (2 of 2) Prefabricated stairs are enumerated and fully described. Balusters and handrails are measured in linear feet. Cabinets, countertops, and cupboards are enumerated. –Alternatively, units may be measured in linear feet. Paneling is measured in square feet and fully described.
Measuring Notes – Doors and Windows Doors and doorframes are enumerated stating their size and type of material. Windows are enumerated and fully described including the rough opening sizes of the units. Items of finish hardware are enumerated including: –Hinges –Bolts –Latch sets –Etc.
Measuring Notes – Bathroom Accessories Bathroom accessories are enumerated and fully described: –Shower curtain rods –Soap dispenser units –Grab bars, towel bars –Mirrors –Napkin dispensers –Toilet roll holders –Towel dispensers –Waste receptacles –Medicine cabinets –Coat hooks
Takeoff Exercise Takeoff the carpentry work for the house example shown on Figure 3.5 drawings –See figures 5.4A, 5.4B, 5.4C, 5.4D, 5.4E, 5.4F, 5.4G, 5.4H, 5.4I, and 5.4J