Long-billed Curlews (Numenius americanus) Throughout the Annual Cycle Jay Carlisle, Stephanie Coates, Heather Hayes, and Heidi Ware Intermountain Bird Observatory, Department of Biological Sciences, Boise State University
Source vs. sink habitats? 2013-2017 Study limits to reproductive success (9 sites across 3 states) Range of habitats Gradients of human disturbance & predator communities Source vs. sink habitats? Track curlews from Intermountain West (western North America) with satellite transmitters Idaho, Montana, & Wyoming; British Columbia in 2017 Non-breeding season habitat use
IBO Long-billed Curlew study areas Bitterroot Valley, Montana Henry’s Lake, Idaho Pahsimeroi, Idaho Cody, Wyoming ACEC Jackson, Wyoming 20 Mile South Farm OCTC Daniel/Pinedale, Wyoming Saratoga, Wyoming
Apparent Hatch Rates (does not include fledging success) Breeding Grounds Apparent Hatch Rates (does not include fledging success) 2015 2016 2017 SITE n % hatch % hatch Overall % ACEC, Idaho (ID) 26 23.1% 24 33.3% 10 20% 26.7% Pahsimeroi, ID 17 58.8% 13 7.7% 44.7% Daniel, Wyoming (WY) 30 46.7% - 28 17.9% 32.8% Jackson, WY 7 14.3% 11 54.5% 38.8% Island Park, ID 45.5% OCTC, ID 2 0% 30% 25% 20 Mile South Farm, ID 8 50% MPG Ranch, Montana 1 100% 3 Cody, WY Total 88 44.3% 50 38% 83 29% 37.1%
2017 Nesting Results, SW Idaho Site Nests Hatched Rate ACEC 10 2 20% OCTC/NCA 3 30% TMSF 8 4 50% All 28 9 32%
https://ibo.boisestate.edu/curlewtracking/locations/ Also, http://birdscanada.org/research/speciesatrisk/index.jsp?targetpg=lbcu http://www.migratoryconnectivityproject.org/livetracks/ (many species, 2 curlew links below) http://www.migratoryconnectivityproject.org/curlew-tx.html http://www.migratoryconnectivityproject.org/lbcu-se.html
Shooting mortalities on BLM lands 61 PTTs deployed by IBO since 2013, 17 in SW Idaho: • 6/17 found shot in SW Idaho • 0/44 found shot elsewhere Of those in SW Idaho, • 6/15 on BLM shot • 0/2 on farm 4 adult curlews found shot in summer 2017 within a few square miles
Curlew Community Outreach, including ‘Curlews in the Classroom’ Goals: Reduce illegal shooting Build a conservation ethic among recreationists
Outreach Accomplishments “Curlews in the Classroom” 2015-16: 3,123 students in 82 classes from 25 different schools in nine cities 2016-17: 5,485 students in 184 classes from 28 different schools in eleven cities Lesson plans, a teacher forum, and regular updates to participating classrooms
Developed signage, brochures, and other outreach materials with local recreation groups and agencies BLM, Idaho Fish and Game, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Idaho Varmint Hunters Association, Emmett Rough Riders, Underground Guns, etc.
Next Steps Work with agencies, law enforcement, etc. to solve persistent shooting issue Add transmitters in population gaps to complete the connectivity “picture”, e.g.: British Columbia, New Mexico breeders California coast winterers – anyone interested? Winter habitat use & trends in land use International collaboration Expand/intensify breeding work on working agricultural lands
Financial Support and Study Site Access USFWS, BLM, McDanel Land Foundation, Page Family Foundation, The Nature Conservancy (+TNC private donors), MPG Ranch, Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund, WGFD, CDFW, WGBGLC, Dan Montgomery GSA, 66 people through RocketHub crowdfunding 40+ private landowners in the Daniel, WY area Other Key Partners Idaho Department of Fish & Game Intermountain West Joint Venture, American Bird Conservancy USGS and OSU (genetics and contaminants) Idaho Army National Guard - OCTC Wyoming Department of Fish and Game (Susan Patla) Fieldwork, etc. The Curlew Crews of 2009-2017 and many volunteers! IBO: Rob Miller, Jessica Pollock, Ben Wright Photo: Alexander Sapiens
Thanks! Any questions? © Victor Ayala