Certified Career pathways Week Alamance Community College Patterson Auditorium January 29, 2019 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon
One-Year Impact Report Special Populations Panel
Scott Queen Executive Vice President Alamance Community College
NCWorks Certified Career pathways in the Piedmont-Triad
NCWorks Certified Career Pathways: Design and Development Workforce Development Boards in the Piedmont Triad convened the region’s employers, economic developers, community colleges, public school system, chambers of commerce and other partners to develop Certified Career Pathways Designed to serve enrollees from the most-entry level (middle and high school) to the most-senior level of career
NCWorks Certified Career Pathways: Purpose Matching worker preparation to employer need in high- demand occupations. Create seamless systems of education and workforce development programs, initiatives and resources.
NCWorks Certified Career Pathways: Criteria Employer led; demand driven. (Criteria 1 and 2) Education and workforce partners work together in the development and implementation of pathways, coordinating educational offerings and stackable credentials. (Criteria 3 and 5) Provide career awareness and work-based learning opportunities. (Criteria 4 and 6) Offer multiple points of entry and exit. (Criteria 7) Evaluable (Criteria 8)
Workforce Development Boards
Certified Career pathways in the Piedmont Triad Advanced Manufacturing Quality Assurance Information Manufacturing Technology Maintenance Process Development Healthcare: Nursing Aviation Aeronautical Engineering Aviation Maintenance Career Pilot Transportation and Logistics Mechanic/Technician Truck Driving Distribution and Fulfillment
Certified Career Pathways Leadership Team Transportation and Logistics Lead: Tim Maness Healthcare-Nursing Lead: Tammy Caudill Career Pathways Facilitator: WV Yarbrough Advanced Manufacturing Lead: Glenda Morrow Aviation Lead: Melissa Smith TriadWorks Project Manager: Kate McMahon
NCWorks Certified Career Pathways One Year Impact Report: Highlights First Pathway Certified February 2016 – Northeast Region (Healthcare) Thirty-five Pathways Certified Through 2018 Thirteen Pathways Reached One Year of Implementation by June 30, 2018 Healthcare Hospitality & Tourism Advanced Manufacturing Transportation Information Technology One Year Check-Ins Submitted by Each Team – Synthesized for Report Captured Additional Data from Stakeholders Two Focus Groups Twenty-three Individual Interviews
NCWorks Certified Career Pathways One Year Impact Report: Findings Data indicate a continued need for Career Pathways Career Pathways have improved collaboration among partners and employers Educational institutions have streamlined course offerings and time to credential Employers have provided larger numbers of Work-Based Learning opportunities Increased employer engagement has produced other, unintended benefits Career Pathways provide tools for smaller counties with fewer resources Front line staff feel invested in the Career Pathways process
NCWorks Certified Career Pathways: State Resources http://nccertifiedcareerpathways.com/career-pathways/certified-pathways/
NCWorks Certified Career Pathways: Local Resources www.TriadWorks.org/careerpathways
TriadWorks ToolKit Contents Diagrams Webinar Career Cards and Brochures Guides Videos
James Bain Director Regional partnership WDB
Panel Discussion on Special Populations: Panelists Dennis Gaddy Community Success Initiative Deborah Kauba Community Success Initiative Anna Miller Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services Carrie Martin NCBA Erik Swanson EDSI Greensboro
Caroline Brigmon Regional Operations Director Piedmont-Triad Prosperity Zone
Thank you!
WV Yarrough, Ph.D. Career Pathways Facilitator Piedmont Triad Prosperity Zone 984.202.3375 Walthea.Yarbrough@nccommerce.com