DINO Communication System CDR Chris Page Matt Syme Dotto Manega
Purpose of Communications System Establish two-way communication link between satellite and ground station. Allow transfer of map and image files from satellite to ground. Allow transmission of health and status data from satellite to ground. Allow the satellite radios and flight computer to receive command or schedule lines transmitted by ground station. Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Agenda Overview of Functional Requirements / Design Requirements from Subsystems Overall need of DINO Satellite (Map Size) (Structures) (Thermal) Requirements on Subsystems Power C&DH Software Structures Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Agenda Detailed Design (2 additional designs) Major Components Radios TNC Antennas Fabrication and Testing Schedule (Bent Dipole Antenna) TNC and Radio Testing Schedule Parts List and Cost Documentation Progress Subsystem Plans to Deliver Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Overview of Functional Requirements Overall system demands: Receive schedule Overall system demands: Transmit topographical map, health and status, and image information Antenna Antenna Structures demand: Antennas must be easily deployable, specific area allocated on NADIR plate Radio2 Receiver Kenwood TH-D7 Radio1 Transmitter Kenwood TH-D7 Thermal demand: Need area of greatest heat dissipation for health and status Internal TNC Internal TNC Software Demand: Shared Serial Port commands External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) C&DH demand: 2 RS-232 Serial Ports for power up and data Power demand: Power requirements for TNC and Radios Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements from Overall System Must have high data rate to accommodate all transmitted and received information Transmit from satellite to base station 100 kbytes per topographical map 255 bytes per Health and Status Packet Image file looking to be thumbnails Receive from base station 5 kbytes per uploaded schedule Working Solution Using external TNC to accomplish 9600 BAUD Still working on connection between Radios and TNC Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements : Transmission Time Using Payload Byte estimates For 1200 bits/sec (150 bytes/sec), get ≈ 592 bits/sec (74 bytes/sec) For 9600 bits/sec (1200 bytes/sec), get ≈ 6400 bits/sec (800 bytes/sec) Calculated Transmission Time based on 1200 BAUD Payload loads Calculated Transmission Time based on 9600 BAUD Payload loads Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Maximum Transmission Distance Calculations Low orbit height from earth = 425km Maximum distance from base station antenna (horizon) = (with =5o , slant angle) 1.84x106m For =10o 1.39x106m For =15o 0.99x106m These distances play into our free space loss and ultimately our link budget Diagram Reference: Vincent L. Pisacane and Robert C. Moore, Eds., Fundamentals of Space Systems. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements from Structures Specific Placement on NADIR plate Final angle and length of bent dipole antenna must be provided Pic of NADIR plate Shade area given Will have this information for structures after impedance and frequency matching is done (estimated completion is March 31) Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements from Structures cont. Final placement points for two antennas on NADIR plate Interior dimensions and weight of radios and TNC Placement points for two antennas pictured Interior dimensions and weight Radios: Mounted together in one 3CS-sized box 4.9 x 2.3 x 1.2 inches each 170 grams each TNC: UP-9600 Ultra-miniature Packet Modem 1.0 x 2.5 x 4.75 inches Upper estimation of 40 grams Pic of NADIR plate With antenna placement Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements from Thermal Need area of radios and TNC that has greatest heat dissipation Radios Located at ……. Inside radios Calculated temperature: 5°C TNC Information Still being researched Area of largest heat dissipation on radios Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements on Power Transmitter (Radio1): must have capability to be activated/deactivated by flight computer Transmit mode 12 V at 1.4 A (16.8 W) Idle mode 12 V at 90 mA (450 mW) Receiver (Radio2): must be active concurrently with flight computer 5 V at 90 mA (450 mW) External TNC: must be active when flight computer is active 12 V at 100 mA (1.2 W) Power connection on stripped down radio Colorado Space Grant Consortium
External Terminal Node Controller Requirements on C&DH Two RS-232 Serial Ports 1 serial port dedicated to external TNC 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit Must have hardware flow control (CTS, RTS) 1 serial port shared between radio1 and radio2 Must be able to switch at any time between the two radios Software flow control only Radio2 Receiver Kenwood TH-D7 Radio1 Transmitter Kenwood TH-D7 Internal TNC Internal TNC External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements on Software Start up Radio1 (Transmitter) Parameters Switch the shared serial port to Radio1 immediately after Radio1 is powered on Must program the following parameters into Radio1: Select Band: B Set Mode: Single Tx Operating Band: 70cm Tx frequency: ~436MHz Power Output: 5W (5.5W max) Squelch: 1 (closest to low) Radio1 Transmitter Radio2 Receiver External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) { "TC 1\r", 2000, TF_junk }, // enter PC command mode (radio commands) { "", 2000, TF_junk }, // give time to process before continuing { "DTB %x\r", 3000, TF_nul }, // select band(s) for data transfer { "DL %d\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // set dual/single band mode { "APO 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // auto-power-off off { "ARO 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // auto repeater offset off { "CT 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // CTCSS subaudible privacy tone off { "SV 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // auto save mode off { "BC %a\r", 1200, TF_dualband }, // select TX operating band { "FQ %f,0\r", 1200, TF_dualband }, // set TX frequency and step size { "BC %b\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // select RX operating band { "FQ %g,0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // set RX frequency and step size { "PC %a,%p\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // set power output for TX band (0=hi,2,3=lowest) { "SQ %b,%s\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // set squelch level for RX band { "DS 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // ignore traffic on non-data Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements on Software, Continued Set up Radio2 (Receiver) Parameters Switch the shared serial port to Radio2 immediately after Radio2 is powered on Must program the following parameters into Radio2: Select Band: A Set Mode: Single Tx Operating Band: 2m Tx frequency: ~144MHz Power Output: 5W (6W max) Squelch: 1 (closest to low) Radio1 Transmitter Radio2 Receiver External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) { "TC 1\r", 2000, TF_junk }, // enter PC command mode (radio commands) { "", 2000, TF_junk }, // give time to process before continuing { "DTB %x\r", 3000, TF_nul }, // select band(s) for data transfer { "DL %d\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // set dual/single band mode { "APO 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // auto-power-off off { "ARO 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // auto repeater offset off { "CT 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // CTCSS subaudible privacy tone off { "SV 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // auto save mode off { "BC %a\r", 1200, TF_dualband }, // select TX operating band { "FQ %f,0\r", 1200, TF_dualband }, // set TX frequency and step size { "BC %b\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // select RX operating band { "FQ %g,0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // set RX frequency and step size { "PC %a,%p\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // set power output for TX band (0=hi,2,3=lowest) { "SQ %b,%s\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // set squelch level for RX band { "DS 0\r", 1200, TF_nul }, // ignore traffic on non-data Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Requirements on Software, Continued External TNC Parameters Packet Size: 256 Data Bits / Byte: 8 Set RF BAUD Rate: 9600 No callsign needed { "TC 0\r", 2000, TF_nul }, // enter TNC command mode { "", 1000, TF_junk }, // absorb all the init text { "P %z\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // set packet size { "AW 8\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // data bits / byte { "RES 1\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // ACK packet delay time (100msec) { "FR 1\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // frame retry delay (1 sec) { "DW 10\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // clear channel delay wait { "PP OFF\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // P-persistent CSMA off { "CR ON\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // add CR to sent packets { "AU OFF\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // don't add line feed to each CR rec'd { "MAX 2\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // send a maximum of N frames at a time { "MYC %c\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // set my callsign { "F OFF\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // show all rec'd packets { "X ON\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // XON/XOFF enabled { "HB 1200\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // set RF data baud rate { "CONOK OFF\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // don't accept connection requests { "TXU ON\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // send packets in unconnected mode { "E OFF\r", 2000, TF_cmd }, // echo of xmit data & cmds off { "", 1000, (TF_type)(TF_junk | TF_stop) }, // absorb junk & stop }; Radio2 Receiver Radio1 Transmitter External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Commands after Antenna Deployment 1 2 3 4 TNC power activated Radio2 power activated Software switches serial port to Radio2 Software programs Radio2 5 6 7 Radio1 power activated Software switches serial port to Radio1 Software programs Radio1 System Ready Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Design, Fabrication, and Testing Detailed Design Major Components Radios TNC Antennas Additional Design #1 Additional Design #2 Fabrication and Testing Schedule (Bent Dipole Antenna) TNC and Radio Testing Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Comm. System Block Diagram All Data lines will use the RS-232 Serial Port Transmitter operates at 12 V Receiver operates at 5 V. External TNC operates at 12 V, allows 9,600 bps link to ground. Internal TNC proven to be reliable at 1,200 bps. Antenna Antenna 5 V line voltage 90 mA 450 mW (constant) Radio1 Transmitter Kenwood TH-D7 12 V line voltage 1.4 A 16.8 W transmitting (450 mW idle) Radio2 Receiver Kenwood TH-D7 RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (during setup only) RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (during setup only) Internal TNC Internal TNC Legend External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) Power Line Data Line RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (constant) 12 V line voltage 400 mA, 4.8 W (constant) Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Radio Consideration Considered Three Models: ICOM IC-ID1, Kenwood TH-D7 and Stanford Quakesat Flight Radio ICOM IC-ID1 Kenwood TH-D7 Stanford Quakesat Flight Radio PROS Built in TNC w/high Baud rate Operates in two frequency bands Requires no actual programming: USB interface Third cost of IC-ID1 unlike the Kenwood Radio 1.2 GHz allows for smaller antenna Fair amount of experience from other missions CONS Expensive (~$1,600 per radio) Restrictive baud rate (maximum of 9.6 Kbps) Research still in progress regarding Only Operates within one band of frequencies: Requires a larger antenna size, weight power, interface, etc. communication would be half duplex Uses an RS-232 interface Would need to modify ground equipment to use Decided on Kenwood TH-D7 because of familiarity and BAUD rate would be sufficient for our purposes Colorado Space Grant Consortium
TNC Consideration PK-96: 9600 baud PROS: CONS: Great technical support Already have this particular TNC here Not extremely expensive: $220. CONS: High power consumption Must replace existing capacitors and chips to reach the specifications we want Colorado Space Grant Consortium
TNC Consideration cont. KPC-9612+ PROS: Power Consumption: 5.5V to 25V @ 45mA (.25W to 1.1W) Fast data transfer Up to 38.4Kb/s which can be modified with a crystal change that will bump it up to 56Kb/s However faster data transfer rates are limited by the radio we use CONS: Communications with the company Unable to contact via phone Email takes about 1-2 weeks Contains electrolytic capacitors Colorado Space Grant Consortium
TNC Consideration cont. Ultra-miniature Packet Modem (UP9600): 9600 baud PROS: Very low power consumption: 9V to 12V @ 30-60mA (0.27W to 0.72W) Customizable Firmware available Small size: 2.5” x 4.75” CONS: Price: $595. Have had troubles customizing PacComm TNC’s in the past Colorado Space Grant Consortium
TNC Recommendation The PacComm UP9600 Meets all specifications Uses by far the least amount of power Surface mount design saves us time by not having to modify any parts The only downfall: The Price: $595. Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Antenna Considerations Receive Antenna Monopole Targeted Frequency: 145MHz (2m) Transmit Antenna Bent Dipole Targeted Frequency: 436MHz (70cm) Base Station Characteristics: Yagi Power: 25W (safe figure) Gain: 15dBi Circular Polarization Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Antenna Considerations: Monopole Link Budget Form courtesy of Dr. Stephen Horan, New Mexico State University. Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Antenna NEC Simulation: Monopole Notes Getting highest gain and radiation pattern on sides as expected Gain ~1.08dBi Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Antenna Considerations: Bent Dipole Link Budget Form courtesy of Dr. Stephen Horan, New Mexico State University. Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Antenna NEC Simulation: Bent Dipole Notes Gain has decreased to ~6dBi due to replacement of bent dipole antenna to comply with structures Issues with being able to simulate full structure of NADIR plate Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Fabrication and Testing Schedule: Bent Dipole Bent Dipole Antenna Ready for testing Impedance matching (simulated a SWR of 1.86:1) Have approval to use Network Analyzer in CU Transmission Lab Next step is to schedule time with Professor Kuester Connect to transceiver to test for frequency Vertical and Horizontal Planes and Gain measurements Colorado Space Grant Consortium
TNC and Radio Testing Schedule Incremental Testing is important to track bugs Test TNC on bench first, connected directly to another TNC Connect TNC to flight radios. Make transmissions of ASCII character strings. Verify proper operation. Test to make sure that received packets get properly decoded and sent out of TNC serial port. Install Radios and flight antenna prototypes into metal DINO model Connect a computer running the flight software to the TNC in the DINO model Attempt communication link between ground station and DINO flight model. Colorado Space Grant Consortium
External Terminal Node Controller Additional Design #1 Antenna Antenna Idea #1: use relays for radios in case of radio malfunction Issues: increased complexity (i.e. software) Concerns: a need to eliminate magnetic fields and moving parts (considering solid state MOSFET device) 5 V line voltage 90 mA 450 mW (constant) Radio2 Receiver Kenwood TH-D7 Radio1 Transmitter Kenwood TH-D7 12 V line voltage 1.4 A 16.8 W transmitting (450 mW idle) RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (during setup only) RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (during setup only) Internal TNC Internal TNC relays Legend Power Line Data Line External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (constant) 12 V line voltage 400 mA, 4.8 W (constant) Colorado Space Grant Consortium
External Terminal Node Controller Additional Design #2 Antenna Antenna Idea #2: use relays for TNC in case of external TNC malfunction Issues Dependent on TNC to Radio procedure Increased complexity 5 V line voltage 90 mA 450 mW (constant) Radio2 Receiver Kenwood TH-D7 Radio1 Transmitter Kenwood TH-D7 12 V line voltage 1.4 A 16.8 W transmitting (450 mW idle) RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (during setup only) RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (during setup only) Internal TNC Internal TNC relays Legend Power Line Data Line External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (constant) 12 V line voltage 400 mA, 4.8 W (constant) Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Logistics Parts List and Cost Documentation Progress Subsystem Plans to Deliver Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Parts List and Cost Bent dipole Monopole Transmitter (Radio1): $360.00 Estimated cost of $10 for each prototype All design and manufacturing will be done by Space Grant Monopole Cost estimates ≈ $40 Transmitter (Radio1): $360.00 Receiver (Radio2): $360.00 External TNC Initial cost: $595.00 Custom Firmware: $80 Miscellaneous (i.e. coax cable) Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Documentation Progress Documentation Needed Progress TNC data sheets Have some data sheets from website Radio TH-D7 data sheets and users guide We have all of this information TNC to Radio procedure Currently waiting on confirmation Link Budget Paper Rough copy done Bent Dipole Antenna fabrication procedures Rough copy Antenna testing procedures TNC and Radio testing procedure Overall comm. system testing procedures Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Comm. Team’s Plan to Deliver One main issue Waiting on procedure to connect the external TNC to the radios. Once done, tasks go as follows Purchase TNC Test TNC Modify TNC Test Radios and Antennas Modify Radios to connect to TNC Integrate Radios and TNC Give Structures final Box Requirements for Radio and TNC Task to give structures and mechanisms final antenna requirements will occur after testing of antennas Approximately at the end of April Colorado Space Grant Consortium
DINO Communications Team CDR Questions / Comments Colorado Space Grant Consortium