Central Placement Office: Placement Process for C/NCL 700/800 Courses


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Central Placement Office: Placement Process for C/NCL 700/800 Courses DCSN PDDP Full Time and Part Time Students 2/16/2019

Nursing Practice Courses C/ NCL 700 & C/ NCL 800 This is the first of two nursing practice courses in which the students will use content from nursing and other theorists to guide their practice. Students will utilize their knowledge of the social, political and economic context when exploring the nurses' role in a specific practice setting. Using theoretical approaches that are relevant to the practice setting, students will collaborate with individuals, families and/or groups to ensure creative, caring and flexible nursing practice. Emphasis will be placed on critical thinking, self-reflection, utilization of research findings and the application of concepts from leadership and change. 2/16/2019

Nursing Practice Courses NCL 800 This nursing practice course will provide students with an opportunity to consolidate the development of nursing practice skills. Using theoretical approaches that are relevant to the practice setting, students will assume responsibility for more complex assignments expected of a beginning level baccalaureate graduate. Critical thinking and reflective practice will be key components of this course. Emphasis will be placed on the multiplicity of nursing roles in hospital and community settings. Students may apply theory from their nursing electives in the final practice setting. 2/16/2019

Important Due Dates PIR: The Practice Information Record (PIR) for the Fall 2019 and Winter 2020 will be available on the CPO website by Dec 21 2018. The Practice Information Record (PIR) Fall 2019/Winter 2020 for Full Time & Part Time students is due on January 18th, 2019. The Practice Information Record (PIR):Spring 2019 for Part Time students is due on February 1st, 2019. PRR: The Practice Requirement Record (PRR) for Spring 2019 Term is due on February 15th. And for Fall 2019 /Winter 2020 Term is due on May 24th, 2019. Further information is available at: https://www.ryerson.ca/cpo/students/post-diploma/ 2/16/2019

Placements Placement experiences may include but are not limited to the following: Clinics Professional Practice Infection Control Departments Occupational Health Departments Acute Care Settings Non-acute Care Settings Long Term Care Facilities Public Health Organizations Family Health Care Teams Rehabilitation Facilities Palliative Care Units and Facilties Community Nursing Organizations 2/16/2019

Placements Each semester there are a number of factors that can influence the availability of placements including: Availability of RN preceptors within units/ departments/ organizations Restructuring of units/ organizations Responses to students’ interviews 2/16/2019

Our Placement Partners Ryerson has pre-existing relationships and agreements with a variety of partners including agencies/organizations/ hospitals throughout Ontario. Each semester requests for placements are sent to our partners. All placements are requested and arranged by the CPO at Ryerson. There is a process that is followed and as a result, students should not try to arrange their own placements. 2/16/2019

Clinical Placements Students who are currently working as RN/RPN, will be placed in different settings. Students will be in their clinical placements settings for 12 weeks, for a minimum of 2 days/wk. Students will follow their preceptors’ schedule. Once a student meets with his/her preceptor they will review the preceptor’s schedule and identify shifts that they will be in clinical placements with their preceptor. Clinical placement shifts may include: day, evening, and night shifts, Monday to Sunday. 2/16/2019

Workstudy Placements Registered Nurses, who are employed in a Registered Nurse position may request to complete a workstudy placement. RNs that are interested in completing a workstudy placement should obtain permission from their manager and the employer’s student placement coordinator. RNs that would like to complete a workstudy will need a mentor within their organization. 2/16/2019

Information, FAQ and Placements Placement related information and FAQ are available on the CPO website: www.ryerson.ca/cpo 2/16/2019

Cover Letter, Resume & Interview Most placements will require students to submit a cover letter and resume and students may also be expected to attend an interview prior to a placement being confirmed. Please ensure you have an updated cover letter and resume that includes the following: Your Ryerson e-mail address (resume) Previous clinical placements (cover letter and resume) Any nursing work experience – as an RN / RPN Some placements will also require you to identify 3 goals/ objectives that you want to achieve in the specific location. If you are requested to provide 3 goals/objectives consider the unit/ setting that you are being considered for placement in your formulating your goals/ objectives 2/16/2019

Cover Letter, Resume & Interview If you would like some assistance with writing your cover letter/ resume or some assistance with preparing for an interview please contact the Career Center at Ryerson. https://www.ryerson.ca/career/ 2/16/2019

Email Etiquette During your interactions with the CPO/ preceptors/ faculty you may engage in an exchange of emails. Some things to consider with writing and responding to emails: Starting with salutation (e.g. Hello; Good Morning) and the person’s name- using first name only if appropriate Grammar, spelling, punctuation Usage of CAPS and exclamation marks- this is seen by some to be yelling. Tone of emails should be polite and respectful Including a professional closure with emails (e.g. Thank you; Sincerely; Regards) and your name 2/16/2019

Accommodations for Placements If you are as student with current accommodations that includes accommodations for placements, please ensure that the CPO receives your accommodation letter with your PIR as this will assist the CPO with requesting a placement that is supportive of your accommodations If you have a new health issues that occurs or changes before/ during placement or workstudy that will need accommodation you will be required to: register with the Student Learning Support Centre as soon as possible as an accommodation letter needs to be generated and submitted to the CPO office before a student can be placed in a clinical placement / return to a clinical placement office. If you are currently registered with Student Learning Support Centre, you will need to update your status and an updated accommodation letter will need to supported to the CPO office and your instructor. To register with the Student Learning Support: https://www.ryerson.ca/studentlearningsupport/academic-accommodation- support/ 2/16/2019

Placement Information Record (PIR) A Placement Information Record (PIR) needs to be submitted by all students who will be carryout Practice/ Workstudy Placements. This document requests that you provide the following information: name, student ID number, and geographical preference(s). Full Time students complete one (1) PIR. Please complete the document that is titled: Full Time PIR. Part Time students will complete two (2) PIRs. This will correspond to the semester(s) that you are wanting to complete placement. Please complete the document that is titled: Part Time PIR (with specific terms that you are requesting placements for) The PIR is located at https://www.ryerson.ca/cpo/students/post-diploma/ 2/16/2019

Practice Requirement Records (PRR) A Practice Placement Requirement (PPR) needs to be submitted by all students who will be carryout Practice Placements. Students who are planning to complete a Workstudy do not need to complete a PPF. This document contains a list of requirements that have to be completed prior to a student being able to start a placement including: Health requirements- list of immunizations Confirmation of completion of CPR- level HCP Mask Fit Test Certificate Registration with CNO Flu Vaccine Vulnerable Sector Screen Police Check (this can take up to 8 weeks to receive depending on requests) The PPR can be found at: https://www.ryerson.ca/cpo/students/post-diploma/ 2/16/2019

Where to Find Information About Your Placement Information about the location of placements will be posted on Health Sciences Placement Network (HSPnet ) about 3 weeks prior to the start of the semester. Students should start to check HSPnet on a weekly basis about 3 weeks before start-up of the semester and check each week for additions/ updates. Some Agencies/ Organizations/ Units require students to complete educational sessions at start-up including: orientation sessions, computer training. These requirements will be posted on HSPnet as they become available. This is why it is important to continue to check HSPnet even after you have identified the location of your placement, 2/16/2019