Resource Use and Management Expenditure Account (RUMEA) EUROPEAN STATISTICAL TRAINING PROGRAMME (ESTP) Course on “Environmental Protection Expenditure statistics and accounts and related topics” Eva Milota Directorate Spatial Statistics Vienna 26 – 28 March 2014 Resource Use and Management Expenditure Account (RUMEA)
D RUMEA - Definition SERIEE framework Economy Environment Resource Use and Management Accounts Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts Collecting and processing of basic data: e.g. Environment Industry Environment The main target of RUMEA is the assessment of the actual expenditure for natural resource use and management of the total economy. RUMEA includes all actions and activities to provide the socio-economic system with the natural resource input necessary for production and consumption purposes (RU) and to preserve and maintain the stock of natural resources against depletion (RM).
D RUMEA - Definition Resource use covers all actions and activities relating to research, exploration and withdrawal of natural resources, as well as the distribution of water (other distribution activities are excluded). Resource management focuses on all actions and activities to reduce the withdrawals of natural resources (recovery, reuse, recycling, savings, substitution of natural resources) and to restore natural resource stocks (increases/recharges of natural resource stocks), and on instrumental activities like monitoring, control, administration, regulation, training, R&D etc. Resource use or resource management must be the primary purpose. Focus is on non-cultivated/non-produced natural resources which are used as goods. Excluded are therefore produced natural resources, like livestock and plants, and environmental services which result from uses of certain functions of natural assets, e.g. assimilation of pollutants, aesthetic value etc.
RUMEA Relationship between EPEA, RUMEA and EGSS EPEA RUMEA ReMEA RUA CEPA classification CRUMA classification CReMA EGSS Source: based onEurostat, 2011
D ReMEA – framework The ReMEA accounting system consists of the following tables: Table A – National resource management expenditure by components and by users/beneficiaries Table B – Production (supply) of resource management products Table B1 – Supply and use table of resource management products Table C – Financing of national expenditure for resource management Table C1 – Net cost burden for resource use and management Proposed workflow for filling in the tables: Table B -> table B1 -> table A -> table C -> table C1. Focus on tables B, B1 and A. Tables C and C1 can be filled in automatically based on simplifying assumptions.
D ReMEA – framework Classification of Resource Management Activities (CReMA): Management of waters Management of forest resources 11 A. Management of forest areas 11 B. Minimisation of the intake of forest resources Management of wild flora and fauna Management of energy resources 13 A. Production of energy from renewable sources 13 B. Heat/energy saving and management 13 C. Minimisation of the intake of fossil resources as raw material for uses other than energy production Management of minerals Research and Development Other natural resource management activities
D ReMEA – current state of play In 2010 Eurostat started the Task Force on Resource Use and Management Expenditure Account to develop a methodology for the compilation of natural resource use and management expenditure. Work is still going on. Main results are so far: For a future data collection the focus should be restricted on resource management with priority on energy, mineral, water and forest resources. The accounting tables should be developed into a working tool with standard assumptions. The tables are the same as for EPEA (A, B, B1, C, C1) but in view of a possible future data collection they should be limited to B and B1. At the moment data collection should be limited to specialised producers.
Course on “Environmental Protection Expenditure statistics and accounts and related topics” Please address queries to: Eva Milota Contact information: Guglgasse 13, 1110 Vienna phone: +43 (1) 71128-7230 fax: +43 (1) 71128 8155 Resource Use and Management Expenditure Account (RUMEA)