Welcome to Year 3/4 Welcome to parents and teachers introduce themselves and say which class they are teaching.
The Year 3 and 4 Team Lewis Class Year 3 Miss Mitchell, Mrs Stevens Learning Support Assistant Mrs Garratt McGough Class Year 3 and 4 Mrs Phelan and Mrs O’Bryan Miss Lynn / Mrs Aldiss Fine Class Year 4 Mrs Phipps Mrs Sampford
Mixed age classes Each child comes to their new teacher with a level and through differentiated planning and teaching that child is moved to the next level.
Topics Active Planet/ Romans Fit for Life Egyptians Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Active Planet/ Romans Egyptians Fit for Life Topics will be …
PE days Wednesday Thursday Lewis Year 3 McGough Year 3/4 Fine Year 4 PE kits are to be kept at school. When the weather permits, we will endeavour to take lessons outside. Please could children have appropriate footwear. Daily Mile will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. This will take place in all weathers – please provide waterproof coat and change of shoes.
Big Maths/Spelling Beat That Homework Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Reading Big Maths/Spelling Beat That Big Maths Beat That (Fine class) Mathletics Spelling test Spellings are based on _______________________, ( the most commonly used words), when these are learned the children move to the National Literacy Strategy Spelling bank lists. Lists will go home on …… and will be tested on ……. Reading: The ideal would be to read with your child daily for a few minutes. We are enclosing a sheet which would help you read with your child. Optional Homework – Topic related homework
Big Maths Beat That Year 3 learn it’s – x 3, x 4, x 9
Big Spell Beat That Your child has been given a list to learn for the Autumn Term (28 words) We will look at different spelling rules each week and test on all 28 on a Friday.
Handwriting Pen Licence Hand writing licence – 3 stars Swash handwriting pens blue – First pen is free Replacement pens can be purchased from the office
Uniform Label uniform/equipment clearly Black Shoes (Not trainers) Long hair tied back with red hair bands Plain gold or silver studs only (remove ear rings on a PE day please) No nail varnish or obvious tattoos http://www.christchurch.herts.sch.uk/policies.htm
Parent Support Supporting homework – timetable Make office aware if you can support with our trips After school clubs / Golden time Production – Scripts, costumes, scenery Labelled uniform/equipment