Data Modeling and Prototyping In Power BI Desktop Steve Wake, Principal BI Developer, Brown and Caldwell
OregonSQL User Group Meetings Every 2nd Wednesday, 6:00PM – 9:00PM 1515 SW 5th Ave, Suite 900, Portland
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Steve Wake Principal BI Developer, Brown and Caldwell Experienced BI Developer Full stack Microsoft BI Developer, 20+ years experience. SQL Server 2005 – 2017 SSRS, SSIS and SSAS. Experience with Power BI since “Power” Excel add-ons. Community Speaker Steve Wake Presented at events around the world on various BI topics, including PASS Summit and many SQLSaturdays. Principal BI Developer, Brown and Caldwell User Group Chapter Leader /in/b5lurker Current leader of the Mile Hi Power BI User Group in Denver. Previously lead the Denver SQL Server User Group and organized 3 SQLSaturdays in Denver. @stevewake stevenmwake
Agenda Tips & Tricks Q&A Live/Direct/Import Data Connections Demo Data Modeling Prototyping in Power BI Desktop Tips & Tricks Q&A
Live/Direct/Import Data Connections Live Connection Available for 3 sources: AS Tabular (on-prem/Azure), AS Multi-Dimensional & Power BI Service dataset Only dataset allowed when selected, since it is already a full model DirectQuery Connections Most relational databases and other products (full list) May require On-Premises Data Gateway depending on implementation Import Connections Only connection where data is stored in Power BI model Allows combining data from multiple different sources Data has to be refreshed in model to be kept up-to-date
Data Connections Demo Reference Date Table in DAX and Power BI by SQLBI (Marco Russo) (College Scoreboard – Most Recent Cohorts Scorecard Elements) (College Scorecard Data Dictionary) OPE ID (Office of Postsecondary Education Identification) List Wikipedia – List of States in United States and Abbreviations Wikipedia – Population of States in United States and Territories
Data Modeling Star & Snowflake Schemas Dimensions Facts Measures Star & Snowflake Schemas Dimensions Facts Measures Relationships One to Many (1:M) Many to Many (M:M)
Data Modeling Demo
Prototyping in Power BI Desktop Power Query (M) Data connectivity Data preparation (ETL – Extract, Transform & Load) DAX (Data Analysis eXpressions) Data manipulation Calculations =SUMX( CALCULATETABLE('InternetSales_USD', 'DateTime'[CalendarYear]=2006) , [SalesAmount_USD])
Prototyping in Power BI Desktop Demo
Tips & Tricks Use scheduled refresh/incremental refresh Tabular models load all data into memory (Import/Dual Tables in PBI) Data compressed on columns (typically 10:1 or more) Querying a tabular model works by filtering data using relationships Import/Dual datasets require refreshing if source data is changing Use scheduled refresh/incremental refresh Once published to a model can be shared in multiple other PBI reports using Live Connection Power BI Desktop and run a full featured AS Tabular engine (and Excel 2016+!)
Q & A
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Learn more from Steve @stevewake