0417 Creating and editing a Database in Access INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY– iGCSE - 2015-16 0417 Creating and editing a Database in Access
Learning Outcome – Assignment Deleting a record (P) Adding three records (P) Editing a record (P) Explaining your choices (P) Searching for all childless hosts over accommodation arrangements (P) Query of all Halal households with report (M) Mailing labels of all French households (D) To achieve a pass grade you will produce a series of documents that will benefit a student going on the French Trip. These documents will include a database of Host Parents that may need to be contacted during the trip. You will need to demonstrate adding, deleting and editing records, as well as producing a query looking for a specific subject. To achieve a merit grade: you will need to will need to demonstrate sorting a query for a specific cuisine and producing a report for your manager of this. To achieve a distinction grade: will need to produce Mailing labels of all French households who can take more than 3 guests. 1
Learning Outcome – Task 1, 2 and 3 First open the Database File called hosts and Save it to your folder. Task 1 (P) - One of the French Hosts, Vaugirard, has dropped out of the list and the school wants you to delete this record from the database. Task 2 (P) – To replace Vaugirard the school wants you to add Beauigard in their place. Their details are F033 for their reference, Beauigard is the district, 1 Guest, Cuisine is Vegan and they have 2 Children and speak English with a Good rating. Demonstrate adding this record. Task 3 (P) – Record F267, Bercy, can now have 4 guests as a room has become available. Demonstrate changing this information. 1 Task 1 (P) - Evidence to show deleting a record 2 Task 2 (P) - Evidence to show three added records 3 Task 3 (P) - Evidence to show an edited record Deleting a record (P) Adding three records (P) Editing a record (P) Explaining your choices (P)
Learning Outcome – Task 4 and 5 Task 4 (P) Some of your students have specified that they would rather not be in a host house with other children. The school would like you to query a list of host references so they can see if there are enough hosts to accommodate this request. Task 5 (M/D) Some of the students have specified that they want to be in a Halal friendly household. The school want you to make query of the hosts for Halal friendly families to host these students and print a report of the host references and other details by District Order so the student can choose. 4 Task 4 (P) - Evidence of childless households query and design view 5 Task 5 (M/D) - Evidence of Chislehurst query and design view, sorted by age. Printout of a report Create a query for families with no children (P) Evidence the search and the result (P) Annotate it to describe what you did (P) Query and report for Halal (M/D) Explain why you would do this (M/D) Evidence query, result and print report (M/D)
Learning Outcome – Task 6 Task 6 (D) The school would like you to produce a set of Mailing labels of all French hosts to put onto labels for printing that will be taking three of more students as guests. To do this you will need to make a query first for more than 3 guests, select the saved query, then click on Create, Labels, L7161, organise the fields onto separate lines choosing Reference, District and Guests and Cuisine for the labels. Print this when done. 6 Task 6 (D) - Evidence of complex query and design view, sorted by District. Printout of labels. Complex Query (D) Multiple Fields (D) Sorted by District (D) Labels produced (D) Printed out (D) Separate lines for each row (D) Reference, District, Guests and Cuisine (D)
Learning Outcome – Assessment (P, M, D) Create and edit a database for a specific function. Student Staff 1(P) Evidence to show deleting a record 2(P) Evidence to show three added records 3 (P) Evidence to show an edited record 4 (P) Evidence of childless households query and design view 5 (M/D) Evidence of Chislehurst query and design view, sorted by age. Printout of a report 6 (D) Evidence of complex query and design view, sorted by District. Printout of labels.