Texts: Fairy tales & the Jolly Postman SCIENCE AND COMPUTING HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE, MFL) PE AND PSHE Science - Materials: What materials did the little pigs use to build their houses? Which materials will the big bad wolf blow away? How can we carry out a fair test to find out more? How many different materials can we name? What are their properties? What materials are our houses made from? Why? We will also be exploring changes in the season and the human senses. Gymnastics: How can we move/roll in different ways? How many different balances can we perform? Can we link movements and balances together? How can we use gym equipment effectively and safely? How can we work well with others? How can we develop our performances? Football: What are the rules of football? How do I pass/dribble/shoot with control? How can I work effectively in a team? PSHE – Jigsaw: Being me in my world RE: What is it like to be Christian? What is Harvest festival? What is worship? What special places are there for people in the community? What places are special to me? Why? Geography: Can we name different building in our area? (shops, farm, school etc) Where do we live? What do we like/dislike about living here? Create drawings of special places in your village/town. How many different buildings can you spot in fairy tale books? Learn your address! Create your own gymnastics routine at home! Can you include different movements and balances? Go on a materials hunt around your house. What can you find that is made out of wood, plastic, glass, fabric or stone? Create a list. Year 1 Term 1 Term 1: Once upon a time… Texts: Fairy tales & the Jolly Postman English MATHS We will be exploring lots of different types of writing using fairy tales including: Letters and postcards Story telling Poetry Using captions and labels Character profiles Expressing opinions Instructions How many fairy tales can you name? What is your favourite fairy tale story? Who is your favourite character? Why? Number and place value: How can we write/make/show this number? Is the number odd or even? What number comes before and after? What is ___ more or less? How many tens and ones does it have? How can we show this as a number sentence? Measure - Measuring giant footsteps: How do we measure using a tape measure? What units do we use? How can we make our measuring accurate? Time - What’s the time Mr wolf?: Which hand is the minute/hour? How do we show o’clock/half past times? CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT (Art, Music, Design technology) DT - Three little pigs cottages: How can we construct our own house models? What materials can we use? How will we join different materials together? DT - Baking gingerbread men: Can we follow a recipe? How will we measure the ingredients? What ingredients/equipment will we need? How will we decorate our gingerbread men? Art: - Clay little pigs: How do we shape, roll and join clay in different ways? Read at least three times a week to earn a gold coin for the reading rainbow! Parents, please use the reading bookmark attached to their reading record to ask your child questions to develop their comprehension. Practise counting as much as possible up to 100. Can they write the number down? What is one more or one less? Encourage your child to wear a watch to practise reading o’clock and half past times. Design a new front cover for one of your favourite fairy tale books.