HTML Lists
List Types We have three different types of lists: Ordered Lists Unordered Lists and Definition Lists We will learn about the first two, the Ordered and Unordered lists
Ordered Lists Ordered lists are numerical lists, like the following set of instructions to bake cookies: Preheat oven to 350 degrees Mix together wet ingredients Stir in dry ingredients Stir in chocolate chips Drop by spoonful into pan Bake and enjoy
Ordered Lists Ordered lists are contained in <ol> tags Each list item inside the ordered list is contained in <li> tags So for the preceding list we have:
Ordered Lists And we see…
Unordered Lists Unordered lists are bulleted lists like the following todo list: Clean my room Purge my things Do my homework Feed the rats
Unordered Lists Unordered lists are contained in <ul> tags Each list item inside the ordered list is contained in <li> tags So for the preceding list we have:
Unordered Lists And we see…