Group Presentation Wellcome
What do u Mean by ICT program The modern and innovative program of information and technology designed for facilitating human life.
What are the major obstacles to use ICT in practical life? Lack of knowledge and information Lack of accessibility Too expensive Obstacles in the policy level Attitudinal problems Urban centric Linguistic problems (Not in braille script and sign language) Structural obstacles Disable people have not been informed about the ICT programs designed and developed by government and private sectors
What do u know about the ICT programs introduced by Nepal government? The different programs, we have known so far are/ Concession for the person living with hearing impairment in SMS and Video call (3 G) Concession in buying Namaste (postpaid SIM card) News broadcast in sign language once a week on N TV For visually impaired students, The optional subject of secondary level is in audio recording
What are the different problems in ICT for the person with different disabilities? For Person living with vision impairment/ Lack of visual impaired friendly website and apps Different notices and information's are not friendly for the person living with vision impairment
Persons living with hearing impairment/ Not easy availability of devices Lack of friendly notices and info for the person living with hearing impairment No provision of interpreter in every sectors
Physical disability/ Problems related to physical infrastructure (No ramp for wheel chair, stairs in wash room urinals, electric plog not accessible for short body structures) No appropriate devices as per the physical disabilities
For all kind of disability/ No opportunity for technical education No participation opportunity for the disable people in policy making and implementations