9th Grade Focus: Academics and the Impact on Post High School Plans Western Guilford High 9th Grade Focus: Academics and the Impact on Post High School Plans
Graduation Requirements Social Studies World History Civics & Economics American History I or AP US History American History II or a History Elective Health/PE CPR (not a credit) Electives World Languages I & II Arts and/or CTE Total: 22 credits (traditional schools schedule only) English I, II, III, & IV Math I, II, & III AFM, ECM, H. Discrete Math, or H. Pre-Calculus Science Earth/Env. Science Biology I Physical Sci., Physics, or Chemistry I
Juniors and Seniors Tuition-Free Registration for next school year Juniors and Seniors Tuition-Free Online & In labs One-on-one w/ Counselor Dates for online/labs – 3/8 thru 3/16 Dates for individual – 3/26 thru 4/13 Do you have goals in mind? Are you choosing rigorous courses, but not too rigorous? Are you on a career pathway? Ask questions! We are happy to answer them!
Academics Courses - Rigor - Are you challenging yourself…vs. taking “bird” courses? Grades Be present in class (physically & mentally) Attend tutorial sessions (mostly Tues., Wed., Thurs.) Missing Assignments/Test corrections Credit Recovery (APEX) - if it’s not offered, then ask Review/Study (Suggested study times) General = 15-30 minutes per night Honors = 30-60 minutes per night AP = 60-90 minutes per night
Career-Technical Education CTE Career-Technical Education Types of Courses Career path courses that could possibly meet college course requirements & help prepare you for careers once completing trade school, 2 year college, or four year college pathways Clusters 14 throughout the county Transportation, Distribution & Logistics (potentially leads to entry level employment in logistics) Health Science (potentially leads to CNA license) Courses that are common in multiple clusters, such as Business, Marketing, & Finance Clusters College Credit GCS & GTCC have a local articulation agreement through which students have the opportunity to earn college credit BEFORE graduating high school, by earning a 93/A or better on the CTE EOC post assessment & a grade of B or better in the course
Service Learning Character Education Recognition Initiative 2 Pathways Service Learning Exemplary Award - at least 100 hours Service Learning Diploma - at least 250 hours Why is it important? You help others your community (positive character) You gain life experience Recognized by receipt of certificate and/or cord at graduation Positively viewed by colleges and/or employers How do I get started? Visit the WGHS website>Student Services>Counseling>Helpful Resources>Service Learning (Read about the program) On the website, start an X2Vol account to track hours Locate approved service learning opportunities and participate (Mondays and Wednesdays here at WGHS)
Extra-Curricular Activities Clubs/Groups/Programs Sports Service-Learning Exemplary Award = 100hrs. Diploma = 250hrs. Employment
Summer Activities Service-Learning Opportunities College Experiences/Courses Online Courses Summer Employment Camps ~ Visit the WGHS website > Counseling page > Helpful Resources to locate more about summer opportunities!
College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) www.cfnc.org (create an account) Plan for College Explore possible careers Search majors in which you interested in studying Explore postsecondary (trade, 2 year, 4 year) schools Entrance requirements GPA Test Scores Resume, Recommendation(s), or Interview Deadlines Revisit the importance of GPA later in this presentation Test Prep. SAT & ACT
College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC)…cont. Will I even be able to go to college? Grants and Scholarships Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Work/Study Program Loans
Career & College Promise Do you want to attend college? Would you like to earn college credit while in high school…nearly free of charge? Will you have your own transportation?
Career & College Promise…cont. Dual Enrollment Program GTCC Juniors and Seniors Tuition-Free (excludes books & fees) Eligibility Requirements 3.0 GPA Student in Good Standing 2 Pathways College Transfer Pathway Career Technical (CTE) Pathway
Weighted Unweighted A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0 (General Courses) Academics - GPA Unweighted (General Courses) A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0 Weighted (Honors) (AP) A=4.5 A=5 B=3.5 B=4 C=2.5 C=3 D=1.5 D=2 F=0 F=0
Are you on the right path?
Are you on the right path?
Are you on the right path?
Check List Now End of Year Create a CFNC account Review 4yr. plan/transcript with counselor Maintain high grades Get involved with school and community activities Always be the best YOU it’s not ALL academics Colleges look at the WHOLE you Create a CFNC account Begin exploring post-secondary options (what you want todo after high school) Start visiting colleges Participation in educational summer activities