Marketing Basics
Marketing 101 Do you have a plan? No plan – no direction No direction – wasted money Take on too much Do too little
Answer the Q’s What is your subject? Who is your audience? Soil health, forestry, rangeland, wetlands, water quality Who is your audience? Youth – adult, producer – owner, urban – rural Why should they care? Make them more profitable, better steward, informed How should the information be delivered? TV, Radio, Newspaper, Newsletter, Social Media
Subjects Soil Prairie/Rangeland Forestry Wetlands Water Quality
Beg, Borrow, Steal Keep it Easy Brand it!!!!! Be aware of copyrights Use existing materials/test and adapt it Brand it!!!!! Does your district have an independent logo? You are not NRCS Use local talent – high school/cash prize Be aware of copyrights Tax dollars used - usually open for republication
Social Media Twitter Facebook The Internet Used by young farmers 25-38 Short impactful messages Facebook Users are typically older 40+ The Internet Well designed – UPDATED regularly
Take Away Message Do Something Try Something The work of SCDs must be told.