What’s in the woods? Spring Term Year 1 Geography Maths Art English Throughout the term we will continue following our Maths- No Problem! scheme. This will include: addition and subtraction; properties of shapes and patterns; measuring length and height and; understanding number and place value to 40. We will apply these skills to problem solving, reasoning and fluency challenges throughout the term. Geography What’s in the woods? We will be looking at maps and plans of the local area and marking on the different features that we will see on our walk around our local area. Art We are going to be looking at Aboriginal style paintings using patterns and dots, and linking this to local common animals by creating our own animal artwork. Spring Term Year 1 English In English we will be looking at the stories of Little Red Riding Hood and The Gruffalo. As you may have heard, Little Red Riding Hood has sent us a video message warning us that the wolf has escaped from story land! The children will be writing warning posters, letters and retelling both stories. We will be concentrating on writing accurate sentences using noun phrases, capital letters and full stops. Science This term, we will be learning about common animals and their habitats, as well as comparing different types of animals and labelling parts of their bodies. We will be finding out about how animals are grouped and the physical features which link them together. PE Both classes will continue to have PE on Mondays. This half term 1SA will be outside and 1JW will be in the Hall. Next half term we will swap over. Please make sure that your children have tracksuit bottoms, a sweatshirt and daps or trainers for outdoor PE and shorts and t-shirt for indoor PE. Please make sure all PE kit is labelled with your child’s name.
Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter – Spring Term 2019. 1 / 2 Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter – Spring Term 2019. Welcome back to school! We hope you have enjoyed the Christmas and New Year break and we are looking forward to a new and exciting term with the children in Year 1! This terms topic should set the children's’ imaginations alight with tales of escaped wolves and news about The Gruffalo. We also can’t wait to find out more about different animals, and are planning an exciting ‘bring your pet to school’ afternoon after the half term holiday! More details will be sent home nearer the time. Science Homework As part of our work on animals we would like you to help your child create a fact file for a common bird/reptile or amphibian/mammal/fish. We will let them know which group they can choose from next week. They will need to find out as much information as they can about their chosen animal and then record this information using a combination of writing and pictures. How this is set out is up to them. The children will need to bring their homework in to school as they will have the opportunity to show their work and share what they have learned with the rest of the class. We are looking forward to their presentations! We will send a letter home about this nearer the time. Maths Homework This term we will focus on the number pairs to 10, which will help children to calculate quickly and accurately. Please help your to child practice regularly. Reading We will continue our class ‘Lending Library’ once we have received the books from Resources for Learning. Children will be able to borrow a picture book of their choice to enjoy with you at home. Books will be changed every Friday, so please make sure you have your book in school if you want it to be changed. Please continue to support your child by reading with them at least 3 times a week. And of course, this will help them make their way up the Rainbow Reader system! We will continue to change home reading books twice a week. Every child has a list of the Year 1 common exception words. Please help your child to learn to read these as sight vocabulary as this will help to increase their fluency when reading. Spelling We will continue to give children spellings every Monday to be tested the following Monday in their RWInc groups. We ask for your continued support in helping them to learn these. Many thanks for your support, the Year 1 team.