Update on Provisia & Clearfield Rice Varieties Steve Linscombe H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station slinscombe@agcenter.lsu.edu www.lsuagcenter.com
2017 Louisiana Rice Variety Trials
Recommended Clearfield Varieties
Recommended Clearfield Varieties -Planted on 50,000 acres in LA in 2017 -Averaged 7,700 lbs/acre across 7 locations -Ranged from 7,000-8,500 -Demonstrated good milling and appearance
Recommended Clearfield Varieties -Averaged 8,050 lbs/acre across 7 locations -3 year average over 8,000 lbs/acre -Demonstrated good milling and appearance -Favorable result from Kellogg’s in initial plant run
Clearfield Jazzman (CLJ027) Multi Location Testing from 2015-2017 -Moderately susceptible to blast, sheath blight, and bacterial panicle blight -Days to Heading: 84 days (1 week later than CL111) -Semidwarf variety, similar to CL153 and CL111 -6.85mm milled grain (3.3 L:W ratio) -Extremely low chalk -2AP values slightly lower than JZMN2, but similar to DLLA2 and Thai Jasmine
Recommended Conventional Varieties
Recommended Conventional Varieties -Averaged 7,965 lbs/acre across 7 locations -3 year average over 8,000 lbs/acre -Few inches taller than LA semidwarfs -Lower milling yields (55% whole) -Susceptible to blast
Recommended Conventional Varieties -Arkansas Medium Grain -Yield comparable or slightly better than Jupiter and CL272 -Improved blast resistance -Similar in height to Jupiter -1 week earlier in days to heading
Conventional Breeding Pipeline Grain Type Avg. Yield Test Average 7,460 CL111 7,524 CL153 8,291 Entry 135 Long 8,292 Entry 136 8,572 Entry 201 8,644 Entry 262 8,500 Entry 263 8,331 Entry 267 8,321 Entry 365 8,504 CL272 8,220 Entry 612 Medium 8,365 Entry 685 9,765
Provisia (PVL01) Multi Location Testing from 2015-2017
Provisia Breeding (PVL108) -Promising experimental line -Over 10% yield advantage over PVL01 in first and second crop -Improved milling (65% whole) compared to PVL01 (62%) -Similar chalk and disease package as PVL01 -5 days earlier -~41 inches tall, PVL108 is slightly taller than PVL01 -Shorter grain length
2017 Multi-location Testing Milling (whole/total) Hybrid Update Two advanced stage hybrids being considered for potential release 2017 Multi-location Testing Hybrid / Variety AVERAGE Yield (7 locs) Milling (whole/total) XP753 9563 51/73 CLXL729 9514 52/72 CLXL745 8971 53/72 CLH161 8234 57/72 LAH169 8096 56/73 CL153 7,700 61/73 CL272 8,050 60/71
TESTCROSS TRIAL, RICE RESEARCH STATION, CROWLEY, 2017 Hybrid Update New promising hybrid combinations observed in 2017 TESTCROSS TRIAL, RICE RESEARCH STATION, CROWLEY, 2017 Hybrid/Variety Days to heading Height (in) Grain Yield (lb/A) NOTES 17TC 5 81 41 10750 CL Hybrid 17TC 41 76 43 10332 PV Hybrid CLXL745 85 40 10091 XP753 86 10009 CV Hybrid 17TC 97 84 37 9910 CLXL729 9482 17TC 116 86 38 9070 CL111 79 36 7424 CL Variety PV01 89 6905 PV Variety
Hybrid Update Efforts being made to increase research hybrid seed production efficiency
slinscombe@usarice.com www.usarice.com Retired from LSU AgCenter October 1, 2017 Same day went to work for USA Rice as Director of The Rice Foundation Responsible for The Rice Leadership Development Program slinscombe@usarice.com www.usarice.com