SimplyEngaged Plus® Healthy Behavior Support MT-1143917.0 Small Business SEP 6/2017 17-4568
You can make the choice to engage in healthy behaviors. SimplyEngaged Plus Staying healthy is: 10% access to care. 20% genetics. 20% environment. 50% healthy behavior.1 You can make the choice to engage in healthy behaviors. What makes us healthy? 10% access to care. 20% genetics. 20% environment. 50% healthy behaviors. What we spend on being healthy: 88% medical services. 4% healthy behaviors. 8% other. (Source: F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future, Trust for America’s Health/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August 2014.) It makes sense to engage in healthy behaviors. Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC, Nov 14, 2016.
SimplyEngaged Plus SimplyEngaged Plus wellness program helping you earn rewards for completing healthy behaviors and achieving health outcomes. It’s a simple program that: Rewards you for completing health activities and actions. Helps you manage your health through behavior changes. Track your activities on a personalized dashboard. Access and complete wellness programs. Earn rewards for using tools and completing screenings and Fitness Actions. SimplyEngaged rewards you for completing healthy activities and actions. It’s designed to help you manage your health by making healthy behavior changes: You receive incentives for getting biometric screenings, completing fitness actions and using health financial tools. The program is integrated with wellness programs like Rally® Health & Wellness. You receive a personalized online dashboard, action plans and a scorecard to help you stay motivated and on track with your goals.
SimplyEngaged Plus Earn rewards for yourself and your covered spouse for completing health actions and/or achieving health outcomes. Health Outcomes Health Actions Rewards Health Actions Rewards SimplyEngaged rewards you for health actions you and your covered spouse complete. This wellness incentive program is only available for employees and spouses with UnitedHealthcare medical coverage. Health Actions
You decide how to maximize your reward. SimplyEngaged Plus You decide how to maximize your reward. Maximum Annual Incentive: Up to $240/employee and $240/spouse. Rally® Coins can be used to enter a wide variety of sweepstakes for chances to win health- and technology-related prizes such as fitness trackers, gift cards and more. SimplyEngaged Plus Health Actions Health Survey Rally Coins Biometric Screening Included2 Complete Three Missions1 Telephonic Wellness Coaching Available as a Reasonable Alternative Health Care Cost Estimate Fitness Action $20/mo. + Rally Coins Health Outcomes Blood Pressure = 130/80 or better BMI = 25.0 or less Total Cholesterol = <200 Tobacco-Free You earn financial rewards* for fitness actions, up to the annual incentive maximum. Earn Rally Coins to enter into sweepstakes by completing any combination of health actions through Rally Health & Wellness. *ACH to your bank account. 1. Additional completed Missions will not be financially rewarded. 2. A biometric screening is included in the program to determine Health Outcomes rewards.
Accessing the SimplyEngaged Program: Rally Health & Wellness. SimplyEngaged Plus Accessing the SimplyEngaged Program: Rally Health & Wellness. The SimplyEngaged program is found within the Rally Health & Wellness experience and includes tools to track your progress: Personalized Missions. Rally Coins. Accessible anytime, anywhere and on any device, Rally’s user-friendly interface helps you engage with the health and wellness tools via®. The Rally Health & Wellness digital tool uses a fun, interactive experience to motivate you into getting and staying healthier through the use of personalized Missions, Rally Coins, step-by-step support and online results tracking. Step-by-step support. Results tracking.
SimplyEngaged program description: Activities and rewards. SimplyEngaged Plus SimplyEngaged program description: Activities and rewards. Shows progress toward earning full rewards. Explains the rewards program. Completed/earned reward detail. Eligible activities checklist. Rally Coins earned can be used to enter Rally sweepstakes. ® Access all of your SimplyEngaged actions from a Rewards dashboard in the Rally Health & Wellness tool, which prompts you to participate in the incented activity.
Activity detail: Health Survey. SimplyEngaged Plus Activity detail: Health Survey. Supports your efforts to help you set behavior-change goals. Progress bar. Highlights four areas of measurement. Point and click using easy-to-understand icons. The Health Survey takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete, and gives you an assessment of your health based on your survey results. After completing the Health Survey, you’ll receive these other benefits: Access to your Health Survey summary on, which is automatically loaded to your online Health Record. Recommended Missions based on your Health Survey Summary. Customized Rally content and messaging based on your results. Notification of available telephonic coaching resources (members with potential high-risk profiles only).
Provider performs the screening and completes the form. SimplyEngaged Plus Activity detail: The biometric screening helps identify possible health risks. Supports your efforts to help you set behavior-change goals. You print a Physician/Provider Results Form and take it to your doctor or a convenience care clinic. How it works: Provider performs the screening and completes the form. Provider faxes completed form to UnitedHealthcare. Body mass index (BMI) | Blood pressure | Cholesterol Measures: During a biometric screening, learn your body mass index, blood pressure and total cholesterol numbers to see if you have any possible health risks and if there are any wellness programs you qualify for. You can complete your screening during your annual physical with your doctor or at a convenience care clinic by downloading and printing a Physician/Provider Results Form to bring to your screening. Your provider will perform the screening and complete the form, and then fax it to UnitedHealthcare. If you use the Physician Results Form, you may have out-of-pocket costs, depending on your medical benefit. The visit(s) to the provider and any lab facility as a referral from the provider are run through your medical benefit, and the medical benefit rules apply. The biometric screening provides results for: Glucose. Body mass index. Height and weight. Blood pressure (systolic/diastolic). Partial or full lipid panel (HDL, LDL,* TC, TC:HDL ration, triglycerides).
SimplyEngaged Plus Activity detail: Rally Missions help you eat better, move more and feel happier. Supports your efforts to help you achieve behavior-change goals. Activities encourage healthy behaviors. Recommended Missions are based on your Health Survey responses. Earn rewards after completing three Missions. Missions are online action plans that are recommended for you based on your Health Survey responses and goals. You receive a personalized set of suggested Missions but can also choose your own. Activities are categorized under the topics of Move, Eat, Feel and Care, and help encourage healthier eating, moving more and feeling better. To earn rewards, you must complete three Missions, which take at least seven days to complete.
SimplyEngaged Plus Telephonic Wellness Coaching: Support to help you make lasting changes. Supports your efforts to help you achieve behavior-change goals. Diabetes Health. Achieve 5–10% weight loss. Improve nutrition. Increase physical activity. Nutrition. Improve eating habits. Weight Management. Exercise. Improve physical fitness. Heart Health. Achieve 5+% weight loss. Stress Management. Reduce stress. Understand triggers. Improve time management. Tobacco Cessation. Become tobacco-free. Understand/control urges. Telephonic Wellness Coaching programs offer you access to certified wellness coaches who can help with weight management, tobacco cessation, stress management, exercise, nutrition, heart health and diabetes health. Coaches help personalize the program based on your: Motivation and commitment to change. Self-awareness of root causes that trigger habitual behaviors. Personalized goal setting, decision-making and self-directed achievement. Programs typically take between three and six months to complete. Once you or your covered spouse has completed the program, you’ll earn a reward.
Fitness Action: A fun way to get into shape. SimplyEngaged Plus Fitness Action: A fun way to get into shape. Supports your efforts to help you achieve behavior-change goals. For every month you attend a participating gym or fitness facility at least 12 times, you earn $20 (up to $240 per employee and $480 for an employee and covered spouse). YMCA is a registered trademark of YMCA of the USA. Some participating locations: 24-Hour Fitness. Anytime Fitness. Curves. Gold’s Gym. LA Fitness. Lifetime Fitness. Snap Fitness. The Y®. The Fitness Action offers money back when you go to the gym on a regular basis. It’s a convenient, fun and profitable way to help you get in shape. Here’s how it works: You register for the program, choose from a participating fitness center from the national network and present your fitness ID card every time you visit. To earn the monthly $20 reward, you must attend a minimum of 12 times per month.
Complete a health care cost estimate. SimplyEngaged Plus Complete a health care cost estimate. Supports your efforts to help you financially manage behavior-change goals. The Find and Price Care tool helps eliminate surprises. Estimates calculated using your health care plan and providers. The most comprehensive data means fewer billing surprises. Estimates show out-of-pocket costs associated with entire treatment. You’re also able to earn a reward when you complete a final health care cost estimate using the Find and Price Care tool. This tool gathers information about health care treatments and procedures and provides simple, comprehensive cost estimates. You can see how your estimate is affected by deductibles, coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximums to help you make better decisions and avoid cost surprises. You must perform one final cost estimate to earn your reward. Example above is for illustrative purposes only.
Completed wellness activities/actions SimplyEngaged Plus SimplyEngaged Plus helps you manage your health and your family’s health care costs. Completed wellness activities/actions Member rewards Modify your behaviors. Improve your health and well-being. Reduce your exposure to health care risks. We believe that incentives, combined with completing wellness activities and actions, help you change your behavior and live a healthier life.