Good Morning I’m Dave Noles the Partner Alliance Manager with Infinite Campus. My position is to manage all of ESA partnerships for Infinite Campus Which has grown since being affiliated in one way of another with AESA We currently have 20 ESA partners in 9 states
Infinite Campus 500 Employees Providing US Development & Support Infinite Campus was built over 25 years ago by our founder and CEO Charlie Kratsch, who couldn’t be here today because he is prepping for annual company meeting. IC is not just an SIS, we are also a LMS both internal and through our new Campus Learning launch we are also Global IMS One Roster contributing member and work directly with market leaders in Assessment and LMS products, we also offer a robust Business Administration Suite and additional built premium products like Food Service, messenger with voice, payments, online registration, and staff evals, We also a fully integrated state solution that streamlines state data pushes instantly and removes the need for districts to spend enormous amounts of time doing state reports. Our headquarters (which some of you may have gotten to visit this summer) is located in Blaine MN about 15 mins north of Downtown Mpls. As Charlie likes to call it’s where Lake Wobegon meets Silcon Valley. We currently employee 500 individuals which more than have are developers We support over 7.9 million students in 2000 districts across the country 2,000 Districts Serving 7.9 Million Students
Infinite Campus Passionately driven to Transforming K12 Education® Streamline Administrative Processes Promote Stakeholder Collaboration Personalize Learning Charlie’s mission our mission has not changed since day one of Campus Transforming K12 Education – Through Streamlining Adminstrative Processes Promote Stakeholder Collaboration And Personalize Learning.
Infinite Campus Voted 2018 favorite SIS. Over 1,100 education technology professionals voted for the tools they think have the most positive impact on education.
Infinite Campus Resources Rewards – What’s in it for the ESA? State specific knowledge Reputation and relationship with their districts Connections to professional groups within their region and state. Service related emphasis Rewards – What’s in it for the ESA? Aggregated pricing for districts resulting in lower cost. Broader range of service to their members Enhances ability to attract new members or hold existing members. Additional revenue stream What’s in it for Infinite Campus? Support provided closer to the customer Scalable service and support Leverage the existing ESA/ Member relationship State specific knowledge base Access to customers we would not be able to engage ESA Partner Benefits Attract new members and retain existing members Level of involvement of ownership is driven by your organization Ongoing training and support User group assistance Company Stability
Infinite Campus Member District Benefits Single solution, no third-party systems SIS + real time connections to Campus certified learning management systems Free monthly enhancements Local service and support Highest level of data security Easy implementation Service from local ESA provider
ARCC History of ARCC Established in 1975 One of 6 Regions, or ESAs, in MN Originally, housed state owned mainframe and supported districts in payroll, finance, state reporting and data entry Eventually, state legislature stopped providing hardware. In 2001 districts banded together to research a web based student information system. ARCC chose 4 vendors to evaluate, with Infinite Campus receiving 207/210 points 2003 ARCC became the first ESA in the nation to partner with Infinite Campus
ARCC What we do SIS Support & Training Implementations of new add-on products State and Federal Reporting support and training
ARCC Benefits of a Partnership IC provides excellent and unlimited training and support to ARCC staff IC asks for our input and allows us to test new products Our Partner Alliance Manager will advocate for the needs of our districts to Infinite Campus’ development teams Advocates, not salespeople
Goldilocks & Personalization SEA Too Big ESA Just Right Using Infinite Campus’ integrated tools Learning Standards and Learning Plans and Portfolios Differentiate Instruction using Teacher created Experiences and Content Libraries Individual pace Learning of Unique Daily student schedules All these things are built directly into the Campus application. However we have all these great tools but the teachers need to be able to learn them and fully use them. Currently State’s are much to big to able to do this across all districts The local school district is to small and doesn’t have the man power to teach this, However the sweet spot is in your agencies. Your organizations are built to be able to provide this type of service at offer it a high level. LEA Too Small
With our tools and your expertise we can transform K-12 education.