Expert Group on Reporting (Brussels, 17 October 2017) Update on the development of Emerald Network & Resolution No. 8(2012) Reporting Marc.


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Presentation transcript:

Expert Group on Reporting (Brussels, 17 October 2017) Update on the development of Emerald Network & Resolution No. 8(2012) Reporting Marc Roekaerts, Expert to the Bern Convention Otars Opermanis, Expert to the Bern Convention A few words on the Council of Europe and why the Convention was negotiated there.

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Birds Directive (1979) Bern Convention 1979 Habitats Directive proposed (1988) Recommendation 16 creating Emerald (1989) Adopted (1992) First seminar (1994) Res. 3 (1996) re-launching the EN SDF (1996) Res. 8 (1998) rules for the EN First Emerald pilots (1999) in Iceland & future EU-MS 1st Union list (2001) EU+10 (2004) EU27 (2007) First Evaluation Criteria doc. (2006) 1st Marine seminars (2010) First seminars (2011)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Initiating streamlining process by SC to the Bern Convention First seminar (2011) Revised SDF (2011) Revised Res. 6 species list (2011) First list of adopted sites (2012) Res. 8 (2012) on nat. designation of adopted Emerald sites and … EU28 (2013) Art17/12 reports (period 2007-2012) Revised SDF and Criteria Doc.(2013) Revised Res. 4 habitat list (2014) According to EUNIS classification Revised Habitat Interpretation manual Res. 4 2nd Marine seminars (2016) Further development of common IT-tools (SDF manager, WebApp and Viewer) Revised reporting formats and guidelines for Art 17/12 ? Adoption of Reporting Form under the Bern Convention

Percentage of network cover

Percentage of sufficient decisions

Completeness of SDFs Habitats Inverterbrates

Completeness of Reference Lists

Site size

Resolution No. 8(2012) Reporting Format 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Draft list of Reporting Topics … First Draft Reporting Format Second Draft Reporting Format Third Draft Reporting Format - fully compatible with revised EU Art. 17/12 Reporting - only selection of species and habitats for the first reporting period (2013-2018) Final draft Reporting format ? Adoption of Reporting Form under the Bern Convention

Reporting Format Entirely based on the EU Art. 17 and Art. 12 reporting format as adopted for the 2013-2018 period For Bern Convention: merging all reporting obligations in one format, including Birds

Reporting Format 4 main parts (annex A, B, D and F) Annex A: general reporting format Annex B: Resolution No. 6(1998) species Annex D: Resolution No. 4(1996) habitats Annex F: Resolution No. 6(1998) birds 2 parts on definition of Conservation Status for species and habitats (annex C and E)

Annex A – General reporting format Main achievements General information sources Emerald Network – site designations Management measures Approval of plans and projects Coherence of the Emerald Network Birds: Research

Annex B – Res. 6 Species Annex D – Res. 4 Habitats National level Biogeographical level Emerald Network – coverage

General evaluation matrix (per biogeographical region within a country): Annex C and E Parameter Conservation Status   Favourable ('green') Unfavourable - Inadequate ('amber') Unfavourable - Bad ('red') Unknown (insufficient information to make an assessment) Range Stable (loss and expansion in balance) or increasing AND not smaller than the 'favourable reference range' Any other combination Large decline: Equivalent to a loss of more than 1% per year within period specified by the country OR more than 10% below favourable reference range No or insufficient reliable information available + Population, Habitat for the species and Future prospects Overall assessment of CS All 'green' OR three 'green' and one 'unknown' One or more 'amber' but no 'red' One or more 'red' Two or more 'unknown' combined with green or all “unknown”

EEA reference grid, 100x100km

EEA reference grid in the new projection (Pan-European view) Thanks to ETC/BD

Some more remarks Thanks to the EU Expert Group on Reporting ! Final Adoption during Standing Committee meeting December 2017 Reporting period follows the EU 6 years cycle (2013-2018): data delivery by the end of 2019 Reporting is at the level of species and habitats, but only for Res. 6 species and Res. 4 Habitats IT-Tools should ideally be based on the EU Tools (to be further discussed …)

Some more remarks (cont.) Reporting Reference Portal will be developed during 2018 (equivalent of the EU Reference Portals) Thanks to new ENI project, managed by EEA (ETC/BD), during 2018, a specific workshop on Reporting and use of the 10x10 km grid will be organized For this first reporting period, the reporting will be done on a selection of species and habitats, based on criteria mainly to equalize the work for all Emerald countries ….

Summary table Number of species in the selection per country AL AM AZ BA BY CH GE MD ME MK NO RS RU UA Birds 12 11 7 6 Species 15 14 18 20 16 17 21 19 23 25 Habitats 9 8 3 5 4 TOTAL 36 31 35 37 27 33 42 22 41 43 46

Thank You for your Attention …

Selected Birds TOTAL number of reporting units 12 11 7 6 CODE SPECNAME AZ BA BY CH GE MD ME MK NO RS RU UA A122 Crex crex X A215 Bubo bubo SR REF A021 Botaurus stellaris   A060 Aythya nyroca A091 Aquila chrysaetos A151 Philomachus pugnax A239 Dendrocopos leucotos ND A030 Ciconia nigra A127 Grus grus A196 Chlidonias hybridus A231 Coracias garrulus A339 Lanius minor TOTAL number of reporting units 12 11 7 6

Selected Animal Species (only first set of species and biogeo regions shown) TAX CODE SPECIES_NAME AL-ALP AL-MED AM-ALP AM-ANA AZ-ALP AZ-ANA AZ-STE BA-ALP BA-CON BA-MED A 1193 Bombina variegata X   F 1134 Rhodeus sericeus amarus SR REF 1146 Sabanejewia aurata 1163 Cottus gobio 1096 Lampetra planeri I 1014 Vertigo angustior ND 1060 Lycaena dispar 1042 Leucorrhinia pectoralis Etc ....

Selected Habitats (only first set of biogeo regions shown) CODE HABITAT_TITLE AL-ALP AL-MED AM-ALP AM-ANA AZ-ALP B1.6 Coastal dune scrub   X C1.25 Charophyte submerged carpets in mesotrophic waterbodies SR REF D4.1 Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaks E1.3 Mediterranean xeric grassland F3.241 Central European subcontinental thickets G1.6 Fagus woodland G1.A4 Ravine and slope woodland ND G3.9 Coniferous woodland dominated by Cupressaceae or Taxaceae H1 Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodies TOTAL per biogeo region 7 9 6 4 5 TOTAL at country level 8