Integrated measures to reduce Ammonia emissions NECPI – 15 March 2006 Michel SPONAR, DG Environment - Unit C1 Clean Air for Europe
Background & TS assessment TS uncertainties/issues about agriculture and NH3: Impact of the CAP reform (and new CAP developments) and new rural development rules not included in the baseline Impact of other key directives (Nitrate and Water Framework Directives, IPPC directive) not adequately addressed in the baseline Some of the available abatement measures in the RAINS model are not necessarily appropriate/consistent with other environmental policies such as nitrates in water Lead to (1) overestimated NH3 emissions in the baseline, (2) allocation of costs to the Strategy rather than the baseline of existing measures; (3) selection of measures that may be inconsistent with other environment policies Clean Air for Europe
Thematic Strategy : Proposals Identify/promote all measures reducing N-Excess in Agriculture (animal feeding, N fertiliser), ensure consistency between various instruments = “Background” of the proposals” Principle: “Absolute necessity of an integrated approach of the N-cycle and related instruments” Clean Air for Europe
CAP, Rural Development NO3 and Water Framework NO3 Water and soil pollution Kyoto Protocol Agriculture N2O Climate Change N- deposition Acidification Eutrophication Natura 2000 Biodiversity 2010 NH3 Cultural heritage Biodiversity Ecosystems NOx Industry Transport Households NEC directive CLRTAP Health Impact Secondary Particulate matter Emission control Directives Emission control Directives AQ Directives
Service Contract “Integrated measures to reduce ammonia from Agriculture” Contractors : ALTERRA, Univ. of Bonn and Wageningen Deadline: final report in March 2007 Objectives/tasks: Assess the cross impact of various levels of implementation of “Nitrogen linked” directives: Nitrate, WFD, NEC and Climate policies: development of linked models (e.g. CAPRI and RAINS) Analyse existing EU and International instruments: identify synergies and possible conflicts Clean Air for Europe
New Contract (1) 3. Identify and assess the most promising measures: 3 set of measures, criteria: beneficial for water/air/CC, cost effective and feasible at farm level 4. Impact assessment of a possible extension of the IPPC directive (cattle, thresholds for pigs and poultry), links with IPPC review More information: CAFE web site, technical annex, offer and inception report (when finalised) Clean Air for Europe
Thank you for attention !!!!! New Contract (2) Contract with IIASA, deadline: begin 2007: Objectives: Integration of CAP reform and recent sugar reform, analysis of possible impacts of further liberalisation Integration of findings of ALTERRA contract in RAINS – as much as possible in Baseline, if not, in policy scenario’s: cross impact, cost attribution Possible implication of the biomass/fuel EU plan (notably Pm emissions) Impact of most promising measures and possible IPPC extension Thank you for attention !!!!! Clean Air for Europe