Two Main Categories for Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater Ecosystems consist of moving bodies of water such as rivers and streams These bodies of water are classified based on their nutrient levels: Oligotrophic: A body of water that is LOW in nutrients Eutrophic: A body of water that is RICH in nutrients Marine Ecosystems are mainly oceans (coral reefs) and make up more than 70% of the Earths surface. Most of the water that evaporates in the air (water cycle) is from the oceans
The main factor which determines a terrestrial ecosystem is… CLIMATE These regions are a collection of ecosystems that are similar or related and are called… BIOMES Canada is dominated by four main Biomes TUNDRA BOREAL GRASSLAND TEMPERATE DECIDUOUS FOREST
TEMPERATE DECIDUOUS FOREST Comparison Chart TUNDRA Northern most Biome Cold, desert Poor soil quality Supports a small # of species Example: Caribou BOREAL South of the Tundra Largest Biome (~80%) Coniferous (needles)Trees Much diversity Found across every province GRASSLAND Next to deciduous Many types of grasses Some diversity Rich fertile soil Mice, snakes, hawks TEMPERATE DECIDUOUS FOREST Much diversity Fertile soil Deciduous (leaves) trees Many Insects
SOIL Soil is made up of a number of ________. Each having it’s own distinct ________ and _________. The top layer is known as ______. It acts like a blanket limiting _____________ and reducing water loss. Next is _______, made up of ______ mixed with decaying plant and animal matter called ______ Below topsoil is ________. It contains more _______ and some _______________. The bottom layer is called _________. It is a solid rock. layers colour texture litter temperature topsoil rocks humus subsoil stones Organic matter bedrock
Soil can be _______, _______, or _________. When it rains, _______ pulls the surface water into the ground through a process called ___________. Eventually it reaches the __________, which is like and underground river. Plants _______ the water and it gets recycled back into the ____________. Soil can be _______, _______, or _________. The ____ determines which type of plants can grow in specific areas gravity percolation water table absorb environment acidic basic neutral pH
Within both aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems you have: Artificial Ecosystems : -An ecosystem planned and maintained by humans Examples: parks, backyard, garden, farms etc… Natural Ecosystems : -An ecosystem not planned and maintained by humans, but Not necessarily untouched Examples: lake, river, forest etc… Ecosystems naturally undergo change, they evolve through A process called… SUCCESSION