Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization Ch. 4/Ch. 5/ Ch. 7 Sec. 2


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Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization Ch. 4/Ch. 5/ Ch. 7 Sec. 2 Learning Goals Unit 3 Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization Ch. 4/Ch. 5/ Ch. 7 Sec. 2

Content Standard 1: The student will analyze the transformation of the United States through immigrant experiences and the industrialization of American society in the Post-Reconstruction through the Progressive Eras, 1865 to 1900. 1.2 A. Summarize the reasons for immigration, shifts in settlement patterns, and the immigrant experience including the Chinese Exclusion Act, the impact of Nativism, Americanization, and the immigrant experiences at Ellis Island.

1.3 Evaluate the impact of industrialization on the transformation of American society, economy, and politics. 1.3 A. Analyze the impact of leading industrialists as “robber barons” and as “philanthropists” including John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie and his Gospel of Wealth essay on American society.

1.3 B. Identify the impact of new inventions and industrial production methods including new technologies by Thomas Edison, Alexander G. Bell, and the Bessemer process. 1.3 C. Evaluate the contributions of muckrakers including Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair that changed government policies regarding child labor, working conditions, and the Sherman Antitrust Act.

1.3 E. Evaluate the significance of the Labor Movement on the organization of workers including the impact of the Pullman strikes, the Haymarket Riot, and the leadership of Eugene V. Debs.

Key Terms Entrepreneur Protective Tariff Laissez Faire Patent Thomas Edison Bessemer Process Suspension Bridge Mass production Corporation Monopoly Cartel John D. Rockefeller Horizontal Integration Trust Andrew Carnegie Vertical Integration Social Darwinism ICC Sherman Anti Trust Act Sweatshop Company Town Collective Bargaining Socialism Knights of Labor Terence V. Powderly Samual Gompers AFL Haymarket Riot Homestead Strike Eugene V. Debs Pullman Strike

New Immigrant Steerage Ellis Island Angel Island Americanization Melting Pot Nativism Chinese Exclusion Act Urbanization Elisha Otis Mass Transit Frederick Law Olmsted Tenement Mark Twain Gilded Age Conspicuous Consumerism Mass Culture Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst Horatio Alger Vaudeville