What is History? …and.. What’s with the PIRATES!?!
What is History? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dauxQKyIN4M
WWWWWH of History? Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Who makes it? Who is it about? What? What is included? What is not included? When? When does history take place? Where? Where does history happen? Why? Why do we study it? How? How do we study it? With the person sitting next to you, BRAINSTORM! Be ready to share!
Who Writes History ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSyCn93CgM8
Themes What is a theme? Big Ideas that stretch across time and place Connect all of history
Interactions Interaction among and within major societies -- patterns & effects of interaction between societies What are some types of interaction between societies? Human migration – forced or voluntary Trade War Cultural Diffusion – process by which inventions, beliefs, and customs pass from one group of people to another.
CCOT Change and continuity – What has changed and what has stayed the same across the historical periods covered in this course
Technology and Demography Demography – the science of vital and social statistics, as of the births, deaths, marriages, of populations - Associated terms – population pyramids, fertility rate, mortality rate, urbanization Technology and Demographic changes – the changes in population resulting from factors that impacts births, deaths, and life expectancy. What factors or events would impact demographics? War, disease, technology, medicine, new food crops, migrations, weaponry…
Society and Gender Social structure and Gender Structure – the political, economic, social and cultural behavior of and perceived expectations for men and women. What factors would influence the role of a man or woman? Religion, education, marriage, social class, traditions Associated terms – patriarchal, matriarchal
Culture Cultural and intellectual developments – including religion, food patterns, fashion, common practices, education
Politics Political organization –Changes in functions and structures of states and in attitudes toward states and political identities (political culture), including the emergence of the nation-state (types of political organization)
What’s with the PIRATES?
Where is the civilization located? This is the geography of the area Can you find it on a map? Are there mountains, rivers, oceans around?
Political Type of Government Political Centralization Political Participation State Control over Economy & Society Succession Loyalty Ideology
I Intellectual Ideology New Ideas Philosophies Important Books Written
R Religious Religion practiced Holidays Rituals Involved Polytheistic/Monotheistic Wars fought because of religious differences
A Artistic Music Theater Literature Art Artists Movements
T Technological Innovations New inventions Impacts of the above
E Economics Type of money used How do the people make a living? Agricultural vs. Merchants Trade (internal and international) Role of manufacturing in the economy Labor systems including gender roles Taxes
S Social Structure Social mobility Relations between classes Leisure & recreation Family & marriage Gender roles Urbanization Population density
What is history to you? Do you think that it is important to study history? Argue why it is important to study history and how?