Jamica E. Harper, MBA Project Coordinator
Who is Drug-Free Delaware? Drug-Free Delaware is a community coalition working together to create a drug-free county and to protect our youth from the harm caused by alcohol & other drugs. Our Focus is on the use of alcohol, prescription medicines and other illegal drugs* by youth. *Marijuana use-TBD Our Partners are unified individuals and organizations from every sector of the community working together for a safer and healthier Delaware County. Civic/Volunteer, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Media, Parents, Religious/Fraternal Organization, Schools, State, Local and/or Tribal Government, Other Org. w/Expertise in Substance Abuse, Youth Serving Organizations, Youth*, Business* Community Programs include Hidden in Plain Sight, Red Ribbon Family Activities, Parents Who Host Lose the Most, Annual Youth Leadership Retreat, Responsible Beverages Service Training, Drug Take-Back Events, and more!
Tackling the Strategy: 2017-18 A family-focused, multi-faceted educational campaign on the dangers of prescription drug abuse and heroin use will be implemented 1700+ Medication Safety for Older Adult Brochures distributed through SourcePoint, local community events and business delivery Distributed 100+ in Q3 Distributed 1200+ Prescription Drug Disposal Bags to the community 200+ lbs. in Q3 Health and Wellness Expos, Fire Department Open Houses, EMS, Maryhaven, local store pharmacies, community events and schools New Partnerships with Dentist, Chiropractic and Veterinarian offices, in-home health care, local churches and social service agencies 6th Prescription Drug Disposal Box location* at Mt. Carmel Hospital (upon approval) Partner with Recovery and Prevention Resources and Sheriff department to coordinate ATOD based prevention programming in schools* 4 Prescription drug take-back events at local pharmacies, stores, and businesses Partner with local police and Sheriff departments Collection of 200+ lbs. in Q3 Since April, 2013 collected more than 2 tons Provide community residents with approx. 30 MedSafe lock boxes Primary delivery made by SourcePoint and Juvenile Courts Distributed 200+ Deterra Drug Deactivation packets Local community events, Fire Departments, EMS, local physician offices, and pharmacies
Drug Prevention Education -Recovery and Prevention resources- Too Good For drugs Safe Use of Medicines, Understanding Addiction, Exploring Risk Taking and Differentiating Healthy and Unhealthy Risks, Substance use and its Effects on the body, and Effects of Street Drugs including Opioids and Stimulants are introduced when developmentally appropriate. Buckeye Valley Buckeye Valley West Elementary – K-5th Grade Buckeye Valley East Elementary - 1st & 2nd Grade Buckeye Valley Middle School - 5th, 6th, & 7th Grade Olentangy* Indian Springs Elementary – 1st-5th Grade Olentangy Meadows – 2nd Grade Heritage Elementary - K & 2nd Grade Scioto Ridge - 1st & 5th Grade Hyatts Middle School - 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Health Classes Liberty Middle - 6th Grade Health Classes Shanahan Middle School - 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Health Classes Delaware City Schools Carlisle Elementary - K-5th Grade Conger Elementary - K-5th Grade Schultz Elementary - K-5th Grade Smith Elementary - K-5th Grade Woodward Elementary - K-5th Grade Dempsey Middle School - 6th & 7th Grade Hayes High School - Health Classes *TGFD/TGFV Curriculum
2018-19 DFD Action Plan DFD Committees responsible of executing strategy objectives on prescription drugs: Public Awareness & Education and Access and Availability Goals: 1. To increase community collaboration 2. Reduce substance abuse among Youth, and, with sustainability, adults Oversee public awareness campaign on proper disposal of unused/expired medication Partner with local police and Sheriff’s offices to increase drug take-back events Track amount of medication disposed in drop-boxes Conduct social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram) campaign on dangers of prescription misuse/abuse Increase the distribution of literature to key community stakeholders that impact youth attitudes Coordinate ATOD based prevention programming in schools Partner with Syntero, Juvenile Courts, Maryhaven to provide adult/caregivers awareness programs/presentations on youth ATOD use Work with local police departments to present ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ Parents monitor access to prescription drugs Continue to grow partnerships with pharmacies and physician offices to distribute medication disposal bags and Deterra bags Facilitate process for community members to receive medication lock boxes for in-home use Coordinate with SourcePoint the delivery of Medication Safety for Older Adult Brochures