Mrs. Miller’s World Literature Class Grammar Mrs. Miller’s World Literature Class
13 August 2018 Monday – Copy the sentence below on the Monday line in the Grammar section of your weekly packet. Then, underline the nouns. Alaska is known for its cold weather and its abundance of natural resources.
14 August 2018 Tuesday - Copy the sentence below on the Tuesday line in the Grammar section of your weekly packet. Then, underline the nouns. If you like big trees, why not visit California, with its giant redwoods and sequoias?
15 August 2018 Wednesday – Copy down the two sentences below and underline the verbs. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbed Mount Everest in 1953. Hillary had been a professional beekeeper.
Notes about VERBS Action verbs – expresses a physical or mental action. Linking verbs – links the subject to the predicate, forms of “to be”, others express conditions (become, feel, sound, taste) Helping verbs – also known as auxiliary verbs, combined with other verbs to create verb phrases (like “would have been” climbing), common ones are had, would, will, could, would.
20 August 2018 Monday – Copy the sentence below and underline the verbs. Then write an A above the action verbs and an L above the linking verbs and H above the helping verbs/auxillary. Although she ran very well at an old age, she had been even faster when she was younger.
21 August 2018 Tuesday – Copy the sentence below and underline the verbs. Then write an A above the action verbs and an L above the linking verbs and H above the helping verbs/auxillary. There was a girl who loved horses. She wanted to ride a horse and she would have given anything to own one.
23 August 2018 Thursday – Copy the sentence below and underline the verbs. Then write an A above the action verbs and an L above the linking verbs and H above the helping verbs/auxillary. I might be wrong, but I think the dogs at the shelter give the best love.
5 September Wednesday – Copy down the sentence below and underline all the ADVERBS. She ran quickly to the stage where he was enthusiastically introducing her to the audience.
6 September 2018 Thursday – Write a sentence with TWO adverbs. Underline the adverbs and circle the verb or adjective it modifies/describes.
15 October 2018 Monday – Copy down the sentence. Circle the PREPOSITIONS in the sentence and underline the OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITION. I would like to be in the band, but I’m not sure I can make it to practice.